jeepers ... things can get SO complicated! Last Monday my boss and I received a notice from the company that sends out our e-newsletter that they were redoing the template ... that week (it goes out Thursdays). We were, as you might imagine, miffed that it was being sprung on us so suddenly and made a point of telling our contact there it would have been nice to have received more notice.
Then the complications got started. The head of our communications team was quite vehement that any form of rebranding, changing style, had to go through her first. I suspected that she'd been notified (since they'd notified her - but not me or my boss - of other changes and she'd never told us), but she says she had no idea. So a higher-up with the company wants to have a conference call; they sent out a meeting invitation for 3:00 today. Later, they sent out an invitation for 10:00pm (which I declined, since I'm not available for work calls at 10:00pm). Later still they sent an invitation for 10:00AM tomorrow. When I asked which was the actual time, the response was tomorrow morning - which I'm OK with - but that the rescheduling was because the head of the communications team had a conflict ... and the vendor assumed she'd have told my boss and me (she hadn't ... which has been an issue, since she does stuff, makes changes, decides on things and never spreads the word). bah!