We're proud to say that the Class of '99 has the lowest mortality rate of any graduating class in Sunnydale history.

Jonathan ,'Touched'

Spike's Bitches 49: As usual, I'm here to help you, and I... are you naked under there?

Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risqué (and frisqué), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Laura - Feb 26, 2024 11:11:05 am PST #8058 of 8169
Our wings are not tired.

Does shingles always present with a rash, or can it just be nerve ending touchy? It seems to me that some people don't get a rash with it, just the pain.

Vortex - Feb 26, 2024 9:58:36 pm PST #8059 of 8169
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

I always try to love posts here, or do the laughing reaction. Facebook got me, too.

I accidentally blocked someone because I just clicked on the link next to the post in muscle memory.

erikaj - Mar 05, 2024 10:35:03 am PST #8060 of 8169
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

What's up, Bitches?! Always a relief when the state is done with their checking for another three months. Because some things are nicer when you linger and make conversation... but that's not one of the things.

erin_obscure - Mar 09, 2024 3:40:40 pm PST #8061 of 8169
Occasionally I’m callous and strange

Cereal, bitches! I'm late to the party (as per usual) but came in at this:

From the department of randomness: How is it that I've lost 60-70 lbs, yet I'm only down 1 size? I feel like I hear diet commercials with people bragging, "I'm down 30 lbs and 4 dress sizes!" Are non-plus sizes *that* finely tuned? Or are the commercials, as so many commercials are, full of crap?

I think maybe yes? I went from 170/size 14 to 140/size 8 over the last year. So 30 lbs and 6 dress sizes IF you count linearly. In reality, it was just 3 step-down pairs of NYD jeans.

Sadly, I purged my too-small formal wear just a couple years ago in a basement clean-out, which is a bummer because now I could wear my amazing strapless black and purple ball gown from college again! but it is long lost to me and never to be seen again. And I had traded in all my office wear for post-covid sizes so I've been clothes shopping waaaaaay too much the last few months. Bad for the pocket book but good for the self-esteem, I guess. First world problems are my favorite kind of problems.

I can't recommend acid reflux aggravated by hiatal hernia in general, but the side effects make weight loss rather effective. Strict portion control works really well for symptom management, and I find now that eating a "normal" amount results in almost immediate heart burn and nausea so....rapid effective biofeedback. I do miss alcohol. I still drink occasionally, but it hurts every time. Silver lining is that I no longer have to worry about devolving into alcoholism.

erikaj - Mar 09, 2024 3:48:29 pm PST #8062 of 8169
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Really could have lived without getting two writing rejections today(contest entries) Not sure if I should try to write something else or slam my typing hand in a door really hard until I kill the urge. But I think it's official that "You'll see. Once you have a better attitude and Put Yourself Out There, it'll all happen." is not a part of my life, ever.

erikaj - Mar 09, 2024 4:00:55 pm PST #8063 of 8169
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

I'd do the door-slamming thing if some of y'all on here could come and kiss it better. Hmm, maybe Rebecca Bunch is a bad influence. I loved those stories though...it was easier to shrug off when I was submitting like "What the hell? It could happen." But this time I used time, effort, what really moves me thematically, a little craft... and ended up in the exact. same. spot. (You mean all those after-school specials lied?! I probably should have learned that before, too. Sigh.) More seriously, though, what do you do when your best isn't helping and you used all your "Damn it, I'll show you!1" getting useless diplomas. I think I'm gonna get in trouble passing out my "work" to strangers at the airport.(At least my ideas might escape, even if I don't

meara - Mar 11, 2024 10:12:39 am PDT #8064 of 8169

Sadly, I purged my too-small formal wear just a couple years ago in a basement clean-out, which is a bummer because now I could wear my amazing strapless black and purple ball gown from college again! but it is long lost to me and never to be seen again. And I had traded in all my office wear for post-covid sizes so I've been clothes shopping waaaaaay too much the last few months. Bad for the pocket book but good for the self-esteem, I guess. First world problems are my favorite kind of problems.

Yes I keep big tubs of various sizes of clothes….and I went through some of them and got rid of things I couldn’t see wearing again (some skinny jeans, etc) but kept some classic stuff. And have bought a lot of stuff too.

That said, the difference of 10 pounds is still the same size when I was my highest, but now that I’m at a low end, 10 pounds is two sizes apart (8 vs 4!)

DavidS - Mar 11, 2024 11:32:06 am PDT #8065 of 8169
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

That said, the difference of 10 pounds is still the same size when I was my highest, but now that I’m at a low end, 10 pounds is two sizes apart (8 vs 4!)

I don't have to deal with the capriciousness of women's sizes, but when I was losing weight every 5 lbs off was about an inch on my waistline.

Speaking of which, after the year-that-was my weight is up again. Not where it was originally but more than I want. I'm thinking about Ozempic because I don't feel like I have the same focus/discipline that I did the first time when I lost 50 lbs.

Part of the problem is that I'm actively socializing more now to bolster my emotional health but it's way harder to maintain a strict diet under that approach.

askye - Mar 12, 2024 8:15:51 am PDT #8066 of 8169
Thrive to spite them

Meara thanks for the links. ..there are 2 locations near me that are recruiting so I might call and find out if I can do the trial.

I lost around 25 lbs the last year I was actually full time at the previous job. However I put most of it back on. Now I walk a lot (not sure how much because I changed to a pixel phone and lost my info when I switched from Samsung) but not that much. However I go up and down steps a lot more on the top stock cart and also lifting and moving things around. I know I'm stronger and have gained muscle and I think I've dropped a little weight. But I snack more.

When I lost the weight my waist went in and my boobs looked bigger because my stomach was smaller and it kind of freaked me out for a bit because I didn't realize I had curves like that and it was disconcerting.

erikaj - Mar 22, 2024 12:37:42 pm PDT #8067 of 8169
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Muscle is heavy, but it's a good thing. (rolls through thread topless. Has Buffista language quandary because she is not sure if she can streak if she can't run. Feel free to discuss.)