In the it never rains it pours aspect of life I have realized my phone will not work at mom's. She used to use a booster but they upgraded to 4g (or something) and it doesnt work and you can only make calls via wifi calling.
I have a Verizon phone I switched over to straight talk. Verizon doesnt allow straight talk to do wifi over calling on their networks. Verizon is the best coverage in the area and almost everyone uses it.
So I need a new phone with Verizon or to see if they will let me use this phone on a pay as you go plan.
Oh and I just bought my Straight Talk refill last week. I can't really afford any of this right now. Not the money or the stress.
I survived today. According to my sleep tracker app, I woke up four times during the night. At least three of those were because of the pain. I got through work, then went to services, which was nice, though still up a bunch of stairs. But they're moving to a new location soon. And the person who runs it said that she was thinking of me, and about what it means to be a welcoming community, when they were looking for a new Shabbat space, and they made sure to find somewhere accessible.
Your exam~ma is powerful, thank you - I passed my statistics final with better grade than expected! Now waiting to hear about calculus (hoping yet doubtful to see if I've passed) and then I'll know to how many exams I'll have to study in the next two weeks.
I don't understand how people manage to have kids. I'm exhausted just taking care of myself.
I don't understand how people manage to have kids. I'm exhausted just taking care of myself.
The emotional labor involved in being Tim's wife is fucking ridiculous. I can't imagine having kids on top of this.
(I love him, and our life together, so SO much. But Jesus Christ, the emotional labor. At least Miss Moneypenny earned a salary.)
t edit
Argh, I don't want that to come across like I'm one-upping you, Hil. I really am not. It was just my "shit no, I can't imagine having kids, either" reaction. I admire the shit out of parents.
I can't imagine having kids, either" reaction. I admire the shit out of parents.
Heh. Scola got to watch me give New Parent Advice to a pair of new parents at the cafe. They were clearly besotted with their six-day old babe, but also kind of drunkenly sleep deprived.
I literally slept all day on Saturday, and had to force myself to get up on Sunday. I always wanted kids. I'm pretty sure I don't actually have the energy to have them.
I'd honestly be so screwed without TCG. ltc was actually a ridiculously easy infant, but she is an exhausting preschooler. When I see how little so many of the fathers I know do (not here but in meatspace), and the fact that he just expects to do those things with my having to say anything, I know I got extremely lucky in the spouse department.
One of my friends is a professor, and she's single, and she had two kids with a sperm donor. Her mother lives with her and helps a lot with the kids, but her mother is older and has some mobility issues, and I really have no idea how they do it.