JZ, those are some quality responses right there.
ION, finally FINALLY, 11 days after he took the correct test for his Ritalin, the test result came back (pretty sure it was outsourced to another lab, and then there was Labor Day, but still, that's a long damn time), and the results show he has Ritalin in his system, which is the desired outcome.
What a damn circus, though. Sheesh.
Hi friends! Steph, that is some extreme stupidity on the doctors part in deed. I'm glad it finally worked out.
Tom, what everyone else said. You went, it's a win.
Skye, have you tried water aerobics? I keep meaning to do it for similar reasons but the times aren't convenient to me. It is fun, though. And a work out!
As you may have seen on Facebook or in Press, I am doing an AMA tomorrow to raise money for my organizer friend. Even if you can't afford a donation, I'd appreciate comments and stuff on the post so that more people could see it. So come by!
It is bonkers what Tim has gone through to get a damn renewal everyone involved in his life or healthcare has to know was appropriate and necessary. I'm glad for you and him, but what bullshit!
My ankle is hurting like hell, and I've got some massive brain fog along with it. If I'm still feeling like this tomorrow, teaching calculus is really not going to be fun.
If I'm still feeling like this tomorrow, teaching calculus is really not going to be fun.
Personally, I need an UnFoggy brain to even spell "calculus."
It took me several tries.
Oh dear, Hil. I hope you are feeling better today.
JZ, I would love to see the faces reading your questionnaire! Awesome.
Did a big math test on Sunday and got back from a statistics test (I will take the economics as a make up test because three tests a week while working full time is unthinkable if I'd like to pass them, though I'm hardly sure if I passed math - between moving next week and work and studying university level of calculus for the first time in my life, I simply did not have enough time to study as much as I'd like to.)
These were really long brackets to say that I really, really hope I've passed these two, not because I hate the subject but only because I do not have the time nor spare sanity for more than one or two make up tests tops, Lord. I really don't.
I also need to pack at least half of my house and clean half of my future place in the next 28 hours, so yeah, that should be fun as well.
Huge amounts of test~ma, Shir!
Lots of test ma.
No one should have to go through the hoops Tim went through to get a refill of medicine.