Deena. I don't know when things will be finalized . They reached out to my manager and he recommended me. Now there is paperwork or the electronic version of it and then try to figure out when my current stor can let me go. But my current store manager indicated it would be by the end of the month.
My therapist does that kind of thing. I've sent him multi paragraph rambling emails at like 1 am and then we discussed it later.
I've never seen the Big Lebowski
I was social, and interacted with strangers! I went to a Shabbat thing. I really enjoyed it -- it was a traditional all-Hebrew service (which is hard to find in Cincinnati outside the Orthodox synagogues), lay-led, a nice mix of people, held at someone's house (actually in the city -- all the synagogues moved out to the suburbs in the fifties and sixties.). There was a meditation thing before the service started, which I'd thought I'd kind of roll my eyes at, but it turned out to be a nice way to clear my head of work stuff before praying. And there was a dinner afterwards -- mostly vegan, and the couple of vegetarian things were made with eggs from the hosts' backyard chickens. (Steph, you'll be unsurprised to learn that this was in your neighborhood.) I left partway through dinner, because the noise and the people were starting to get overwhelming, but it was really nice, and I definitely think I'll go back -- they hold it twice a month.
I'm also really impressed that this couple actually hosts about fifty people for a prayer service and dinner in their house twice a month, and has been doing it for a couple years.
(Steph, you'll be unsurprised to learn that this was in your neighborhood.)
There was probably a pig on the run somewhere.
I'm also really impressed that this couple actually hosts about fifty people for a prayer service and dinner in their house twice a month, and has been doing it for a couple years.
That's very cool!
There are some organizations that have grant money for people who do things outside of traditional synagogues to get young Jewish people involved in Jewish life, and I'm going to guess that they got one of those grants -- I can't imagine how they'd pay for all this food otherwise.
Naw, Jessica, you can hang out with Greg. I think I'm going to see if I can find a copy of the movie in the discount bin.
Hil, that sounds really nice. I'm glad you were able to go, and comfortable sneaking out a little early.
Also, the host made a big point of telling everyone, "We're all at different points on our Jewish journey, and we all came to Judaism differently, and everyone is accepted and welcome here, so we don't check your Jew Card at the door, and we don't ask each other, 'Is that a Jewish name?' or 'You don't look Jewish' or anything like that." The guy sitting in front of me -- the only black person there -- stifled a laugh. Less than an hour later, I heard someone asking him, "So, I didn't get your story. I assume you weren't born Jewish, right?"
Really. People. Is it that difficult to not be that person?
I've never seen the Big Lebowski
Same. Much to the amazement of my children.
Really. People. Is it that difficult to not be that person?
Seriously. It sounds like a wonderful gathering with terrific hosts. Hopefully most people will listen to their sage advice.
(I left this page open when I went to bed last night so no idea if there are more posts until I click the button)