Announcement: 47 is too damn old to still be having a period.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
t edit
Postscript: Tim is camping this weekend, and even though I went to 2 grocery stores today, I don't feel like cooking because my uterus is a jerk and I might just DoorDash some pad thai and watch as much Leverage as I can before I fall asleep.
Agreed. Give it up already uterus! Pad Thai and Leverage is however an excellent plan.
Damn, y'all. Graeter's is on DoorDash. I did NOT need to know that.
Periods in your mid to late 40s suck.
I had Publix chicken for dinner and we watched Leverage.
Today I had my interview. I was confused over who with because there are several store managers. But it went really well. I'm nervous because it's such a big department. There are 15 people just in the shoe dept and to compare there are 17 on the entire sales floor at my store. But I would just focus on selling and then delegating certain things and rotating who works in what part of the shoe department.
And my hourly rate wouldn't go up BUT the commission is 8.5% and I would get monthly bonus when monthly sales goal is met.
When I was leaving the manager I interviewed with mentioned she had moved someone from cosmetics to the Michael Kors salon and there was drama in the shoe dept and she said "and it should die down when you start....if you start ".
I have a second phone interview with the shoe dept manager on Monday.
Agreed, Tep. I have never used my uterus! It causes me nothing but trouble! Why must I still be a martyr to it? (Although, maybe there are hormones or something, and I know one is probably better off not messing with it unless there are strong reasons to do so.)
It has been many months, maybe over a year, since my uterus made a fuss. I think it's finally done, but it's snuck up on me before. It is deeply satisfying to be past it.
How do I phrase the email to tell my landlord that I'll be moving at the end of May? I also need to check that it's OK to give his contact info to the bank, because they need to ask him if I've paid my rent on time. (I have. Always. I've got it set up on my bank account so that the check goes out each month and I don't need to remember anything.)
I would keep it formal - per section X1.a of the lease agreement I am giving notice that I will be vacating the apartment May 31. Use whatever wording is in the lease. I wouldn't ask about giving his info to the bank just advise him it is being done.
An experienced landlord should expect that his information would be given out.