All the spices are to taste so you can start with less and add more if needed. I generally put in a lot more oregano than cloves now that I'm thinking about it, so maybe more like 1/2 tsp cloves and 2 tsp oregano? 1 tbsp cocoa is enough - at that level it's an enhancer, much more than that and you'll actually start to taste chocolate which isn't the goal.
And look out for the time knife!
One of my cousins just flipped out at me because I posted a fairly bare-bones family tree (just names, no dates or places or anything) in a closed Facebook group that's just for cousins from this side of the family. She says she doesn't want that kind of information about her being spread around. did we end up related?(Kidding, but I know we have this person in my family.)
I just checked -- if you google her name (spelled correctly, which it was not on my tree), then the third hit is her mother's obituary, which lists a whole lot more information than my tree had.
Hil, how dare you imply that she's related to people.
I'm pretty careful about what I post publicly, but I figured that no dates, and posted within a closed family group, would be fine.
I'd also asked if anyone had any information to add to the tree (didn't ask anyone specifically, just a general "anyone,") and she has informed me that she WILL NOT be telling me any information about her children and grandchildren. (All of that information is easily available, but if she's getting like this, then I'm not going to add it.)
Did you start the group, Hil? If so, boot her!
She's not in the group. Another cousin sent it to her.