Elton John...amazeballs, if anyone was unsure.
Good to know, we got tix for January!
That's so sweet, Laura!
Went to a dance event yesterday. Not my first time back with the group since Mom's been gone, but nearly. It was really good to get out there and dance with them again. Got to start getting back into the swing of things.
I got my new glasses today. Progressive lenses to replace the 3 pair of glasses I normally use. This is going to take some time. At the moment I still think I prefer switching them. We'll see how it goes. Also, the frames I picked have the little nose dealios and they are kinda pinchy.
At first I hated my progressive lenses, Laura, but one day I put them on and magically I could see! Hope it works that way with you too!
Don't we have a theater costume person or two among us? Could you use some vintage ladies' gloves?
Yes, they say it is the same brain training process as the monovision contacts. I've worn them all day although I really really wanted to go back to my 3 pair method. Hurry up brain!
Having a Wholefoods nearby is going to be dangerous. I swear I only needed one thing...
I just picked up my first progressives last night, Laura, so my brain is on the same adjustment. Weird so far. I have to learn not to look over my glasses when I want to read for one thing...
So far not pleased. I have a lot of double vision, but it could be because I read a lot this morning. I am having a lazy day, doing only what I have to for work and trying to finish my book. The Nook battery died! It was 100% this morning, but on day mode it drained quickly. It might be time to get another.
But the eyes are very unhappy. I should go to the eye doctor, it is only a couple minutes away. But that would mean showering and dressing.
I don't love my progressives, which I got 2 years ago. I still look over/take off my glasses to read, so what's the point? I mean, it's possible that the ophthalmologist got my measurements wrong, and I'll mention that at my next appointment. But based on this pair of progressives, I don't see the point. If I'm going to keep looking over my glasses to read, I might as well save the expense of the progressives.
When they handed me a thing to try reading yesterday and I could just read it I was pretty amazed. It's just the habit of looking over my glasses to read I need to get rid of, I think. I might still need my "computer distance" glasses for working, though. About to go into a meeting, should be a good test of that whole taking notes while being able to see the projection screen concept...
I'm farsighted, so seeing anything close without some kind of glasses isn't an option. Part of this could be allergies too. Seems this year I want to not like spring pollen again.