Thanks, smonster. Crossing my fingers that this place and person work out. You deserve some good fortune!
I have spilled tea on the couch twice this afternoon. I had ordered groceries through my local store's shop-on-line, pick it up curbside, went to pick it up this afternoon only to discover that the pick up date is tomorrow. The e-mail confirmation says so - not sure how that slipped by me. Cotton brain.
smonster, would it be too petty to make sure your animals piss on everything he owns before you move out?
Dang, how to I "like" - eh screw that - "LOVE" Dana's post.
TCG and I we're both sick all last night and most of today with the nastiest stomach bug I ever remember having. So we spent the day alternating being ill and taking care of ltc. Oh, and we had construction workers in the house. Im exhausted.
Smonster, I really hope the new place and the new roommate works out for you.
Update on the lady who couldn't understand why telling two random men of color that they had the same haircut as Kim Jong-Un and needed to ask another POC to explain it to her and then got huffy when he did:
After deleting the whole mishegoss, she sat with her feelings and thought it over and yesterday evening she backchanneled my friend J. to talk some more and it's all being worked out with mutual appreciation and kindness and some glimmers of genuine awakening.
woman, though, the one who showed up to defend her for getting an answer she didn't like to a question she'd asked herself and then tag-team tone-police everyone, must have worked it out a little differently because in the middle of that DM conversation her husband sent J. a furious screed accusing him of instigating a hate crime against two white women, and informing him that a stinging letter detailing his crimes had been sent to everyone in Faire administration, and he'd be ruined, ruined I say! before the husband was through with him.
Also, the husband is 1/8 Chumash, so he was here first, puto (which would be crossing a lot of lines if J. were Mexican but since J is Guatemalan it really doesn't sting at all).
J. posted the screed on FB (the husband couldn't see it because OF COURSE the first thing he did after hit "send" was block J.) and much discussion ensued. The upshot is that there is absolutely no danger here -- the guy is a known very stable genius, almost nobody in Faire administration knows him and the ones who do cordially loathe him, and the real amazement is how many squares on White Nonsense Bingo he managed to cover in one DM.
The thread ended with a glorious outpouring of White Nonsense and I SAID GOOD DAY, SIR! gifs and concerned inquires as to whether his penis got diseases from the Chumash tribe and all is well. But, holy crap, such whiteness, the indignation, the paternalism, the caucasity of it all. Have we always been like this? Why does anyone even bother talking to us? We suck!
The thread ended with a glorious outpouring of White Nonsense and I SAID GOOD DAY, SIR! gifs and concerned inquires as to whether his penis got diseases from the Chumash tribe and all is well.
Oh god, the whiteness is really sad, but this made me laugh and laugh.
But, holy crap, such whiteness, the indignation, the paternalism, the caucasity of it all. Have we always been like this? Why does anyone even bother talking to us? We suck!
We have always been like this. It was just never safe to tell us that, because we don't listen/don't believe it/and "prove" how woke we are by engaging in even more racist bullshit. (I mean, it's *still* not safe to tell us, by and large, but it seems to be filtering out a bit.)
Unrelated, Tim could use some This Drug Will Be Effective~ma today. He's starting his 4th drug for rheumatoid arthritis, since drugs 1, 2, and 3 weren't effective enough. This is apparently really common among people with RA, but it's still super frustrating.
Drugs 1 and 2 were injections he did at home once a week, drug 3 was a pill, and this one is a 2-hour infusion. He keeps calling it his "Deadpool treatment." So I might finally be married to a superhero after all. (Trufax: when I was a kid I wanted to marry Spider-Man. And Deadpool's costume is a lot like Spider-Man's costume, so 5-year-old me will accept that as a substitute.)
Seriously, though. He needs this to work. It's definitely possible for RA to go into remission, but finding the right drug has been really challenging. So the ~ma is welcome.