Unrelated, Tim could use some This Drug Will Be Effective~ma today. He's starting his 4th drug for rheumatoid arthritis, since drugs 1, 2, and 3 weren't effective enough. This is apparently really common among people with RA, but it's still super frustrating.
Drugs 1 and 2 were injections he did at home once a week, drug 3 was a pill, and this one is a 2-hour infusion. He keeps calling it his "Deadpool treatment." So I might finally be married to a superhero after all. (Trufax: when I was a kid I wanted to marry Spider-Man. And Deadpool's costume is a lot like Spider-Man's costume, so 5-year-old me will accept that as a substitute.)
Seriously, though. He needs this to work. It's definitely possible for RA to go into remission, but finding the right drug has been really challenging. So the ~ma is welcome.
Much drug~ and remission~ma to Tim, Steph.
Much ~~ma for great success with the new drug.
Really I don't know why it was a double post. Huh.
This Drug Will Be Effective~ma is headed Tim's way from Colorado!
I feel 75% human today. Could be due to a full night's sleep and a shower this morning, time will tell.
Much drug~ma for Tim.
And JZ, that was a post of masterfulness, and yes, we have always been this way. We inch, snail-like, toward betterment. Or at least I live in hope that we do. If 45's administration has caused wreckage and despair on nearly every side, I do believe it has also thrown our feet of clay into full and well-lit relief, made us confront at least some of our egregious behavior and realize that *we* need to change.
Yeah, we've always been like that. Most of us still are, I think, and the rest of us are staggering into the light, half-blind and fumbling around and needing coffee.
Drug success ~ma for Tim!
I'm having such good results from CBD oil, I'm in that proselytizing omg-you-gotta-try-this-shit stage. Hemp extract for everyone! Is it 420 erryday if there's no high??
What are you using it for, Zen?
Drug ~ma for Tim.
I'm now permanent part time at work which gets me about 29 hours a weel, dental and vision insurance, paid time off, 401k. There is a chance I could be full time which would get me expensive crappy insurance. If ACA sticks around it would be very good for me.
So much drug-ma for Tim!
Glad you're feeling better, Suzi!
Wow, JZ, that's...something.
Glad to hear it, Zen. I'd been meaning to ask what that stuff was you had wanted to try, since I can now enter the store without a card. I'm glad you've found a source.
Good insurance luck, askye.