But, holy crap, such whiteness, the indignation, the paternalism, the caucasity of it all. Have we always been like this? Why does anyone even bother talking to us? We suck!
We have always been like this. It was just never safe to tell us that, because we don't listen/don't believe it/and "prove" how woke we are by engaging in even more racist bullshit. (I mean, it's *still* not safe to tell us, by and large, but it seems to be filtering out a bit.)
Unrelated, Tim could use some This Drug Will Be Effective~ma today. He's starting his 4th drug for rheumatoid arthritis, since drugs 1, 2, and 3 weren't effective enough. This is apparently really common among people with RA, but it's still super frustrating.
Drugs 1 and 2 were injections he did at home once a week, drug 3 was a pill, and this one is a 2-hour infusion. He keeps calling it his "Deadpool treatment." So I might finally be married to a superhero after all. (Trufax: when I was a kid I wanted to marry Spider-Man. And Deadpool's costume is a lot like Spider-Man's costume, so 5-year-old me will accept that as a substitute.)
Seriously, though. He needs this to work. It's definitely possible for RA to go into remission, but finding the right drug has been really challenging. So the ~ma is welcome.
Much drug~ and remission~ma to Tim, Steph.
Much ~~ma for great success with the new drug.
Really I don't know why it was a double post. Huh.
This Drug Will Be Effective~ma is headed Tim's way from Colorado!
I feel 75% human today. Could be due to a full night's sleep and a shower this morning, time will tell.
Much drug~ma for Tim.
And JZ, that was a post of masterfulness, and yes, we have always been this way. We inch, snail-like, toward betterment. Or at least I live in hope that we do. If 45's administration has caused wreckage and despair on nearly every side, I do believe it has also thrown our feet of clay into full and well-lit relief, made us confront at least some of our egregious behavior and realize that *we* need to change.
Yeah, we've always been like that. Most of us still are, I think, and the rest of us are staggering into the light, half-blind and fumbling around and needing coffee.
Drug success ~ma for Tim!
I'm having such good results from CBD oil, I'm in that proselytizing omg-you-gotta-try-this-shit stage. Hemp extract for everyone! Is it 420 erryday if there's no high??
What are you using it for, Zen?
Drug ~ma for Tim.
I'm now permanent part time at work which gets me about 29 hours a weel, dental and vision insurance, paid time off, 401k. There is a chance I could be full time which would get me expensive crappy insurance. If ACA sticks around it would be very good for me.