Be safe, askye.
Windy, diabetes does indeed suck. All 3 of my sibs are diabetic as it is a major factor in our genetics. I pretty much have spent a lifetime avoiding trigger foods and have been spared so far. I have been borderline forever. It is manageable and we have plenty of people here, including me, that are delighted to give you help or suggestions if you want at any time. Well done on the pulse improvement!! Exercise really does help in so many ways.
That thing that makes me go awww, a couple times recently kids my husband coached basketball in high school have sent me pictures of their college report cards via text or FB. I always think of them as my kids but it tickles me when they treat me like Mom.
I made it home. The one hill was really slushy and the van that slid off Wed is still there.
I just bought toothbrusg and toothpaste and deodorant at walmart and tgen put them in my locker at work. I have forgotten deodorant before. They go with the bandaids, lotion, pads, alieve, and energy bars.
It's warm so I hope that going home tonight will go well.
Watching Brooklyn 99 with M got mee thinking about how he and I are opposites in many ways and that we are odd mix of Jake and Amy. He's laid back and not too worried about the future but veru neat and organized. I'm more stress ball worry Amy but with the disorganization of Jake. We got some groceries on Tuesday and I tossed stuff in the cart and wandered a bit. He was neatly organzing things in the cart, stacking them and pushing them to the back.
Damn it -- I need a prescription refilled, but my insurance is requiring a prior authorization. I don't even really know what that is -- they've never required it for anything before, and I've been filling this prescription with this insurance for two and a half years. And I really need it tomorrow -- I didn't think to bring the script in before I needed it, because it's always been filled immediately before -- and this is going to suck.
Oh, Hil. That sucks. I swear they time these things for creating the most difficulty.
They need your doctor to call tge insurance company to get permission to fill it. Roughly. Pharmacists are used to this. I ran into this last year with Vyvanse and the pharmacy tech was a rock star and called the doctor and insurance company to get it worked out
I have CVS/Caremark pharmacy coverage now, and my albuterol inhaler isn't covered anymore. At all. No substitutions listed. WTF.
I'm putting this here now, at 2 a.m., to remind me of it later.
In order to change how I think about something, I need to think about it more deeply. In order to change how I feel about something, I need to do something, take action, with a mindfulness of how I feel.
I know how I felt about it in the past. I even know why I feel that way about it. But to get to a place where I feel differently about it, thinking isn't enough. One cannot think one's self out of or into a Feeling. I'm referring specifically to a fear or something that causes me anxiety. I need to do the thing that causes me fear or anxiety, but I need to do it mindfully. Mindful of how I felt in the past, how I actually feel now (which may be different), and mindful of the feeling that I genuinely would like to associate with this action or thing.
I know this is possible. This is how I got over my fear of heights. And spiders. Someday I will do this to get over my fear of water, but that day is not today.