I went to the doctor again today, got a steroid inhaler prescription. I'll see if this helps.
Also, ugh. I have to find a new primary care doctor. I asked if I could switch to Steph's Awesome Doctor (since I've been seeing someone else in the same practice, but I've had way too many issues with that person, so I want someone else), but they said that he's not taking new patients. The doctor I saw today was yet another doctor from that same practice -- just whoever had an appointment available this morning and wasn't the one that I hate -- and he was OK, and he is taking new patients, but the way he reacted to my walker and seeing the pain meds in my file sent some pretty big red flags, so, no. There's a Cincinnati EDS Facebook group that keeps a file of doctors that people recommend, so I guess I'll start calling around tomorrow.
Or, well, first I need to call three (crap, wait, no, four) other doctors that I already see, because I had to cancel appointments with them in the past few weeks for various reasons.
Dealing with medical stuff is practically a second full-time job, sometimes.
Sorry for the doctor issues Hil hope you find good one soon.
Buffita kids need to give their parents break.
I worked from 5 to 11 because for some reason we are open until 11 today, tomorrow, and Sat. We had no customers after 9:30. But I have Sunday off and E has a swim meet I can go to.
Also got to see M. We were watching Broklyn 99 and Terry changed his FB relationship status so I finally changed mine.
I can't remember whether I posted this (I know I didn't post it over at FB) - but I was facing a possible Nov. 1st eviction, went to see if I could get legal aide type help and because I have a 403B I had too many assets. I had completely forgotten about the 403B -which had enough money in it that I was able to take out some and pay off the back rent and get caught up on my electric, phone and cable bills. I will take a penalty but I'm hoping that my decrease in income since my retirment will make the fee less bad.
I am very relieved to be all caught up on rent.
Oy. I posted in a group for disabled people that I was thinking about starting a blog with reviews of books with disabled characters, and asked if anyone had any suggestions or answers to a couple of specific questions that I'm thinking about, and also said that, since I've been reading a ton of books with disabled characters, if anyone is looking for something specific -- whether a specific disability or a specific disability-related topic within a book -- then I might have a recommendation. Someone responded, asking if I knew of a book with a character with a really specific disability -- basically, the exact disability that this guy has, with all these exact details, which isn't all that common. And, I do know one book that actually does fit exactly what he was asking for, in terms of the medical details. And it's a very explicit m/m BDSM book. I had to take like five minutes to get past my "OMG they'll know that I read dirty books!" mental block before I could type up my response. (Which I know is ridiculous, in a world where Fifty Shades is a bestseller. This book at least has decent writing, and actual consent.)
sumi, I'm sorry things are so tough for you.
Wait, people read dirty books?
Sorry, I don't know how to be witty anymore.
Wait, people read dirty books?
Well, it made me laugh.
sumi, I'm glad to hear the 403B relieved some serious stress.
sumi, I'm glad you "found" that money! Glad you're okay.
I've been reading but not responding and I'm sorry. Some days (weeks) I just don't have the spoons to type out coherently what I'm thinking. Work takes a lot of my spoons most days.
Work takes a lot of my spoons most days
Polish your spoons and store them carefully in their velvet lined case.
Spoon care is important.
I managed to have today off and it's one of E's swim meets. Well day 2 of a 2 day onw but he is onky swimming today. I was so excited.
But this morning my brother texts Mom and says by the way it will bw crowded and hard to find parking so you might want to get there before warm ups start. Also skye might not want to go because it will be 400 people in an indoor pool.
I thought about going amd then realized if I did I would struggle the rest of the day and I want to be able to visit with my Dad today and not feel on the verge of a meltdown. So no swim meet.