That is fabulous, beekaytee! I'm apparently very hypnosis resistant! But your enthusiasm is making me consider trying again.
Laura, I'd be happy to do a facetime/skype session, if that would be fun for you. It would be good practice for me and no obligation, beyond time, for you.
Zen makes a good point. We've all experienced hypnosis in one form or another. If you've ever been on a long road trip, or a common commute and 'woken up' to find that you've traveled farther than you realized, you have experienced a hypnotic state. In that state, you don't feel weird or different, but you CAN feel tremendously relaxed...and what could be bad about that?
The technical definition is "The bypass of the Critical Factor of the conscious mind, combined with the establishment of acceptable, selective thinking." (I'm being tested...gotta memorize) The Critical Factor is the analysis portion of your conscious mind.
We work really, really hard to maintain our defenses around self image. If you've thought all you can think about a habit you want to change, hypnosis can really help. It diverts your attention away from those old and painful patterns.
All that means is relaxing the mind enough to unclench certain expectations, thereby making it possible to adopt new thought patterns.
For example, for the last few years, I've been practically pathological around crap food. Sugar and fried foods, specifically. Racing out the door to get to the CVS by 10pm to snag a Heath Bar, Red Vines (a lifelong favorite), chips, etc.
At this point, I'm not thinking any creepy stuff like sugar is of the devil, or imagining sweets as [fill in the blank] disgusting thing (aversion therapy never sticks). I just simply don't care about it. My relaxation around the topic is unprecedented.
The next two topics I'm working on for myself are procrastination and installing an interest in exercise. The first one I can easily imagine changing, the second one not-so-much. It doesn't matter! I don't need to have a desire to exercise, all I need is a willingness to let the relaxation and new suggestions work.
That sounds great, bee. I'll email you to discuss further.
Zen, yay for a good doctor!! Are you still doing PT for the ankle? I have heard that it takes a really long time too. I am generally in the "if what you are doing isn't working, try something else" camp.
I'm done with PT, but I might go back for more. I had unrealistic expectations! I thought I was going to get that cast off and go jogging or something, and, no.
Yeah, ankles are super complicated. Getting more PT would probably help keep you on track.
"if what you are doing isn't working, try something else"
I am so with this!
I thought I was going to get that cast off and go jogging or something, and, no.
Boo. Zen, is it painful and/or weak? I'm wishing speedy strength.
That sounds great, bee. I'll email you to discuss further.
I'll be posting a calendar of available times soon. I'm psyched to practice for the next two weeks. Then, there will be a big launch.
I'd be interested in learning more. My mom used hypnosis to quit smoking. If I remember right, she had one session and quit cold turkey.
Puppy love is amazing. Except Crowley likes to go for the tackle snuggle, even when I'm working. Sweet doggy, please stay off my laptop. Let's hope the love continues after the 16th and his snip snip appointment.
I wish my mom would try that to quit smoking. She says she wants to quit but she hasn't really tried anything
Ha! I apparently have no idea what a "low-fat" diet is (for my gallbladder experiment).* I didn't ask the surgeon what percentage I should shoot for, so I have no idea if I'm aiming for 25% of my intake, or 10%, or what. (I think maybe 10% is too low, but I legitimately don't know.)
*(Okay, I have no idea what a "low-fat" diet is at all, which should be evident by mah belleh.)
Zen, is it painful and/or weak? I'm wishing speedy strength.
Thanks! It is painful and weak, and also stiff. It's weird, it isn't only the ankle that hurts, it's the Achilles tendon and the muscles/ligaments on top of the foot. Basically, I need to exercise it, but that hurts, so I can only handle so much a day.
Steph, I would go hard core and cut out all animal fat except the cream in my coffee because no, but that may not be actually necessary.