I went to the dentist today and for a food report. Which is a relief after all the discomfort and worry I've had going on. I think the dry mouth and adverse reaction to Biotene just made every thing really sensitive. And clenching my teeth.
There is a problem with a filling from last year so they are fixing it next week.
Connie, that all sounds really, really good!
askye, what a relief! I'm so glad for you. I'm pretty sure I'm clenching my teeth in my sleep, so I need to get a mouthguard.
Just in case this is an allergic reaction to the Prozac, I'm doing a little research. Has anyone here taken Effexor?
I haven't, Tep, but I swear by Pristiq. Have you tried it or something in its category?
I did, briefly. It didn't work for me, but I didn't have side effects.
I haven't, Tep, but I swear by Pristiq. Have you tried it or something in its category?
I've pretty much only been Team SSRIs, though I attempted Wellbutrin twice, but that made me insomniac and ragey. Pristiq is chemically related to Effexor, isn't it?
I'm honestly not sure. Wellbutrin didn't work for me, but Pristiq has been a godsend.
I took Effexor for a while 20 years ago. I mostly remember the withdrawal being a bitch (brain zaps).
My dad takes Effexor now, and he doesn't have any problems with it. He is a 75-year-old man on on quite a few other meds, though, just as a data point.
For a while, I was doing Prozac and Wellbutrin, which my psychiatrist at the time described as the poor man's way to create Effexor (my words, not his), so that's ... another data point? I'm assuming Effexor doesn't actually have Wellbutrin in it, though.
If you can, I would give the itching at least a good week to 10 days to subside before ditching the Prozac. Just to see if it will go away?
If you can, I would give the itching at least a good week to 10 days to subside before ditching the Prozac. Just to see if it will go away?
I'm keeping a close eye out in case an actual rash appears, because that can be a dangerous sign. In the meantime, I took half a dose of Prozac this morning to see if starting at a lower dose would help reduce the itchiness. (The doctor prescribed 20 mg in tablet form, rather than capsule form, and when I talked to the NP on the phone, she said they were prescribing the tablet form specifically so that I could break it in half if necessary.)
For a while, I was doing Prozac and Wellbutrin, which my psychiatrist at the time described as the poor man's way to create Effexor (my words, not his)
Interesting. I'm on Celexa and Welbutrin, and as I said earlier, Effexor didn't work for me (in place of Celexa, before I started Welbutrin).
Jesus, brain chemistry is exhausting.