Two! Unpossible. In fact, I'm pretty sure you're still pregnant (and VW, too).
Two is fun, though. They're really becoming little people then. My very favorite was usually four, though (and I think, knowing me, having potty-trained kids had something to do with it).
Congrats to M on getting an awesome girlfriend!
2 is awesome. She's so curious and independent. I just want to slow down time. We're going to McDonalds for lunch and then her grandparents are coming over later for cupcakes and to let us finish packing. Her party isn't until the end of the month because of our trip.
Happy second birthday, ltc!
Seriously, Friend of Friend on Facebook, you can't stand up for the rule of law and America by being all "Throw white supremacists in Gitmo 4-ever." I mean, I get it. They suck, and I wish they weren't human, but they are.(Also, who ever really gets a sentence like that besides poor Aaron Swartz, and don't get me started on that shit, either.) I mean, make sure the ones that get caught are far from the posse, and I don't think they deserve, like, lifestyle magazines, but I don't think they need to feel like a threat we need a Phantom Zone to protect us from, either. It's because our feelings tell us to do that that we shouldn't.
Seriously, Friend of Friend on Facebook, you can't stand up for the rule of law and America by being all "Throw white supremacists in Gitmo 4-ever." I mean, I get it. They suck, and I wish they weren't human, but they are.
From a legal point of view, they do have a first amendment right to spew their vitriol, but I hope that as their pictures spread throughout the internet, these people face the consequences of their actions - losing friends, jobs, family, custody of their kids, etc.
Definitely, that might be best revenge.
This is my hope, too, Anne, and I'm furthering that effort as dilligently as I'm able.
To show that has a sense of humor, from Saturday's Word of the Day, Sapiosexual:
Sapiosexual is modeled on words like homosexual and metrosexual, i.e., it has a short first element that ends in "o" (two syllables for homosexual and metrosexual, three for sapiosexual).
The trouble is that for some intelligent people, sapiosexual is an "incorrect" formation: the word "should be" sapientisexual or at least sapientosexual, which are correct but pedantic and unlikely to win many dates for oneself.
Some people in the 19th century objected to the new-fangled word scientist because it had a Latin root (scient-) and a Greek suffix (-ist), an objection no longer made. Sapiosexual entered English in 2015.
I put together a casserole of chicken and alfredo and penne and a good bit of a really sharp provolone, and it's so good I can't wait for lunch so I can eat some leftovers.