To show that has a sense of humor, from Saturday's Word of the Day, Sapiosexual:
Sapiosexual is modeled on words like homosexual and metrosexual, i.e., it has a short first element that ends in "o" (two syllables for homosexual and metrosexual, three for sapiosexual).
The trouble is that for some intelligent people, sapiosexual is an "incorrect" formation: the word "should be" sapientisexual or at least sapientosexual, which are correct but pedantic and unlikely to win many dates for oneself.
Some people in the 19th century objected to the new-fangled word scientist because it had a Latin root (scient-) and a Greek suffix (-ist), an objection no longer made. Sapiosexual entered English in 2015.
I put together a casserole of chicken and alfredo and penne and a good bit of a really sharp provolone, and it's so good I can't wait for lunch so I can eat some leftovers.
Oh shit, that reminds me that I forgot to get the green onions I need to make dinner tonight. Crap, my day is already over-scheduled and I'll have to go to the store.
The question is does some of their speech and the nazi symbology violate imminent lawless action, in which case it may not be protected speech.
Airplane WiFi FTW.
I'm headed to Sacramento and then driving to Camino for the start of a family reunion with my mom's side of the family. This is the trip I was having second thoughts about after my cousin asked if I'd rent a car rather than count on het driving me.
Well, I made peace with that in my brain and not only rented a car but got a hotel room in Tahoe for two of the three nights I'm in California. That way I can get some recharge time without being rude. Homework makes a great excuse for needing a break from being ON. Between the con two weekends ago, having house guests for over a week, the proposal and now this trip, I haven't really had time to bask in being alone and quite.
Given all that, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. My cousin's kids are all grown now and there is a new generation I haven't met yet. If I've counted right, there are nine third cousins (My cousin's grandkids - in never sure if I have the right naming convention).
Despite the fact that I've killed the thread, I'd also appreciate some calm~ma for dealing with the conservative pieces of my family. If current politics come up, I'm gonna have to go sit with the kids, claim an urgent homework need, or let loose with the facts.
Much calming~ma, Suzi. Or clamming~ma if you prefer, as I first typed.
I hope this is a fun trip for you; I think you're very wise having a hotel room to retreat to. Fun is great, but recharging is necessary, too.