After some sleep I am still in a numb zone. I'm tired. I'm old. When I was a teen I was all about the war protests and activism. Then my heart was broken when my first vote didn't count because the majority elected that crook Nixon. It didn't keep me from trying again and I pretty much have spent the last 4 decades being well informed and active. I was a couch ridden basket case when Bush was elected fearing disaster, and I was right. I was elated over Obama but the other side obstructed and my side was not at all effective.
This is more than a disaster. The Supreme Court, and tons of other judicial positions are going to be filled with people that do not have my interests at heart. The things I value including education, the environment, and equality, among a much longer list, are all in jeopardy.
There are 2 paths forward. One is building a wall around myself. No more watching the news. No more socializing with hateful family or friends. Focus on my health, my loving friends and family, my business. Read fiction. Watch fiction. There is a great percentage of the populace that are completely apolitical. They don't suffer over this stuff at all. Some of them don't even know the president's name. Ignorance is bliss. A part of me really wants to see if I can join them. Not too old to try a different path.
The other path is to dig into my hippie roots and fight with everything I have. Today, I don't have the strength.
I wish the ITV Miss Marple wasn't such a hit-or-miss. I wish the BBC Miss Marple were streamable somewhere.
{{Laura}} {{Karl}} {{Buffistas}}
Buffistas, it is inspiring to read your thoughts and wonderful actions from afar.
I am so angry with my Trump supporter friend and her blind stubbornness. Pence scares the crap out of her, but she just refuses to accept that choosing Pence for his VP is just as important a reflection of what a Trump presidency is going to do as anything Trump himself has said he's going to do. Even more so, since 90% of what Trump says is complete bullshit. She is so wrapped up in her Hillary hate that she refuses to acknowledge just how terrible Trump is.
ION, wife and child are sore this morning, but otherwise doing okay. And I hate my rental car. (2017 Jeep Compass. Enormous blind spots, uncomfortable steering wheel and sluggish engine.)
Hate makes you stupid. That's the big lesson from this election.
I've never heard much good about the Jeep Compass.
sj, you asked for suggestions... The NoDAPL protest is ongoing and even before the election was decided, DAPL announced they were planning on pressing ahead and crossing the river within 2 weeks. I'm sure the tribes protesting there would appreciate a donation for their legal fund if donating was the kind of suggestion you were looking for.
Yes, it is. Thank you for the suggestion.
Otherwise I suggest people make sure they don't forget self-care. One can't take care of others if one isn't taking care of one's self.
I was already struggling with that. This isn't helping.
Just more ugh to process. DEMs need a rural America plan.
Will probably need pro-life, NRA approved Dems for that. They exist though. It's going to be tough to revitalize small towns though. For manufacturing and tech, it's much easier to find skilled workers in cities and machines are a lot cheaper than unskilled workers. For service jobs, well, you need a population center to provide a good market.
I'm glad your family's feeling fairly ok, Kalshane.
Hate makes you stupid. That's the big lesson from this election.
Yoda is still right: "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
I had just decided that self-care for me means stopping the non-stop carb fest of the past few days when my coworker brought in an ENORMOUS bag of candy!