She really had a way of expressing "are you sure you've thought that opinion all the way through?" in a manner that made you rethink without diminishing you. I admired that very much.
Amen to that. I wish I could remain that calm and reasonable when questioning what other people say. It was a gift.
When I think of ita, I remember dancing with her at Girlbar and her doing security at Allyson's LA event.
I can never see Djimon Hounsou without thinking of her because of the W&H event. (Given that he's in one of the movies I rewatch most frequently, well.)
Cereal: also, I frequently think of things she used to link to--not the freaky, creepy things, but shit like that one garnet set she linked to drooling over back in '02. Part of me has always kept an eye out, when doing my online window shopping, for similar pieces. It's reflex at this point.
I have some of her garnet jewelry from Moji. I also have her pink gingham dress. I've been trying to figure out a craft project that I can do so I can send all of you a little piece of it. Trying to work it into a framed picture.
That's a lovely idea, Allyson. I would love that.
How are her family, do you know, and can you share? I miss hearing about them, and I hope they're all doing well.
Me too. I emailed Moji but haven't heard back. I'll try her mom.
Oh, Allyson, I love that idea.
I want to do something similar with the SPN shirts of hers you all sent to me. Maybe a pillow or something. Or maybe a tote bag? My sewing skills are not great, though.
Oh noes, I hope they are okay. (worry worry worry)
Still have various t-shirts and ties set aside to make a quilt. Not any further than that in the project, but it will happen eventually. First I need to clear enough space to spread it all out and look at it all at once, which will take some doing.
Allyson if you are looking for ideas, one just popped into my head. I don't want to intrude on your ideas, though.