ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Yeah, JZ.
There's a crapload of politics behind why pain management is so mishandled, but the change needs to start somewhere...
Allyson, Burrell, Polgara and all: you are all possessed of fabulous hair. You have done so much, in such straits, it honors me to know you. And the obituary is fabulous, just perfect.
Yea, big time.
I say Yea, JZ.
Oh, yes, this desperately needs doing.
So, attacking it practically - maybe threadsuck and scan for the appropriate posts, then copy 'em and send them in to one collector, or post to a Dropbox account so people can drop in and out and do a bit at a time as they have the spoons? We could divide up the Natters and everyone who wants to tackle the task do one or two threads to start and see how onerous or not it is?
gathering all her Natter updates about being bounced
JZ, if we go with this idea, I can at least help with the gathering. Finally, something I can help with.
t back to catching up
[Edit: no, wait. First: thank you, all of you, for all you've been doing. Especially the LA crew, Now, back to catching up.]
That is a very core sense of ita that I have from my interactions with her.
Which is exactly why you should have it.
I like many of the things posted, but I want them to go to someone for whom they have greater meaning than "something owned by someone I loved".
Thank you so much to Polgara for the beautiful brunch and memorial. It was so perfect, and jst flawlessly done. I know how hard this was and you made it look so warm and effortless.