Oh! I thought of you people yesterday when a coworker confessed to getting a chocolate bagel -- she said it went against her childhood rules, but as she put it, "My mother is a New York Jew, but I'm from Oregon!"
I did not tell her, "Eat a muffin, whitey!" but I thought it!
"Eat a muffin, whitey!"
It is something that pops into mind often when passing through the bakery. This is not a bad thing.
I am still at home and should be at the office. I am paralyzed by my list instead of actually dealing with it.
This would explain why my brain is all "Man, what the hell is wrong with you, body?" and my body is all, "SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME HERE TO DIE."
shrift speaks for me. Pollen vortex. Fuck this planet.
Fox's U-Bet. And Jesse's right -- it also has milk.
Married to the grandson of a NYC soda jerk here, I can attest that Hil and Jesse have it right.
I ate a blueberry bagel last week at work, and I sternly told myself, "Eat a muffin, whitey!" But there were no muffins.
I have a big event at 10 and have reached the point in preparation where I go to the bathroom every 5 minutes because I am nervous. Sigh.
It will be great, flea!
I am in a lull at work, only because I think I need one. There is plenty to do! But I finished (god willing) a big thing yesterday, so now I'm moving slowly. I am glad to see that most of the things from my two-weeks-old to-do list are done, so I don't have much to re-write on the new list!
I was successful in both watching Arrow last night (yay!) and running 3 miles this morning (different yay!) but I failed in eating breakfast and washing my hair before work. I normally eat before I run, but I wasn't hungry when I woke up, and was pressed for time. Good thing eating at my desk is culturally acceptable.
I have 11 stitches in my neck. Dang. And it looked so small. Either "clear margins" means bigger margins than I realized, or it was bigger than I realized, or both. Glad it's taken care of then, and glad it was on my neck and not, say, my face.
I am paralyzed by my list instead of actually dealing with it.
This is me as well. I should start with filing my reimbursements because money, and then move on to the more onerous tasks.
So it seems I can remember either the child's Claritin, or mine, but not both.