I have 11 stitches in my neck. Dang. And it looked so small. Either "clear margins" means bigger margins than I realized, or it was bigger than I realized, or both. Glad it's taken care of then, and glad it was on my neck and not, say, my face.
I am paralyzed by my list instead of actually dealing with it.
This is me as well. I should start with filing my reimbursements because money, and then move on to the more onerous tasks.
So it seems I can remember either the child's Claritin, or mine, but not both.
sounds about right, Kate.
I feel smug. Last night I navigated Tracfone's online forum to get Hubby's voicemail on his cellphone working properly. Considering he has that phone purely to communicate with doctors, I was not going to let him just mutter angrily at it and wallow in his tech avoidance. His brain does not work in the same was as that of tech developers, he starts pushing buttons and swearing. It was good to feel smart.
So, my event was a panel of representatives from grantmakers in the city - foundations and grantmaking public charities. And I managed to assemble a panel of 4 representatives that included 2 women, 2 African-Americans, and 1 Latino, and no white men. Go diversity!
That's awesome, flea! Was the audience "people who want to know how to be better at getting grants"?
Yes. I got about 25. I was hoping for 40, but my major goal was "more than 10, fewer than 100," so that was good! My panelists were REALLY good. I wish more people could have heard them and learned from them!
Good stuff, flea and Connie both!
Yay flea, sounds like a total success!
Way to go, flea, that sound great!
Man, I am having trouble concentrating. Also, have been eating pretty much constantly (or so it seems) since I got to work and I'm still hungry.