Didn't you hear? It's a pollen vortex. All the things that would have normally pollinated earlier are doing it now, all at the same time.
I can attest this is happening here. There's usually a gradual ramp up of blooming things. This year, my linden is exploding at the same time as the azaleas and the tulips and my front yard is on floral crack. About the only things that bloomed ahead of the rest (as they usually do) were the cherries, apples and tulip trees.
And there's a fly in the house which means Pumpkin looks drunk chasing it.
I'm not gonna lie, it's very tasty. meara, the way I make it is a shot of Torani hazelnut syrup, a shot of cream, the rest of the glass with soda water. Mysteriously, no egg. But lots of nom.
Is there really a pollen vortex? Are we getting it if we didn't get the polar vortex? I know I've been taking a ton of anti-allergy meds to function, but I didn't know there was a named phenomenon behind it.
I really want to stay awake long enough to watch SPN and Arrow, but I also want to get up and run before work. It's a conundrum.
I suspected as much. It'll be too hot to sleep for a while anyway...
The ER is cold, Burrell, if you need a good chill.
this morning a bird used my car windshield to kill itself.
l recently saw a picture of the aftermath of a goose using Fabio's face to commit suicide, so think of what could have been .
I'm not gonna lie, it's very tasty. meara, the way I make it is a shot of Torani hazelnut syrup, a shot of cream, the rest of the glass with soda water. Mysteriously, no egg. But lots of nom
The lack of egg in egg cream is very confusing to my brain.
The lack of egg in egg cream is very confusing to my brain.
There's no cream in it either.
Humblebrag! Right! That's the term. Still, I'm glad grumblebrag works too, in the right circumstances.
Speaking of errant terminology, egg cream seems a bit of a misnomer. Makes me wonder where the term came from. I think I looked it up once and found the narrative less than compelling. Didn't remember it anyway.
The ER is cold, Burrell, if you need a good chill.
It is, it's true. Oh dear, does that mean you are heading in that direction?
I wish I could wave my magic health wand.
I am a little woeful about the prospects of midwestern pollen vortexing. The nasacort has been really effective. I can tell, because every time I try to quit it, I have miseries. But I'm concerned about the glaucoma risk with prolonged use. What is prolonged usage? Anyway, I'm also now just starting to get the nosebleeds, which I am also prone to. Or maybe it's because I forgot to refill the humidifier? Yeah, let's go with that.
The point is, midwest, I am coming to you. Please be kind to my southwestern acclimated sinuses.