I will do all the grocery shopping for Buffista island. I like grocery shopping. I won't make the dinner, though.
I want to know why a pair of shoes that was perfectly comfy last summer/fall is suddenly feeling two sizes too small. Wtf, feet? You haven't changed sizes! Why don't you fit? Ow.
Sox, did I tell you when Kyle was playing in Richmond? If there is pie, it will be gluten free...
I will also volunteer to shop for Buffista Island, if we have our own Wegmans.
I remember reading science fiction stories all about how awful it will be when we don't have work to do (because, iirc, robots) and everyone will be so bored with leisure, whatever will we do to solve that problem...
I'll finally learn how to knit on two needles instead of a loom.
I had my last meeting of the day and went out to buy more green tea, which was my excuse to be outside. I was completely unprepared for it to be 89F! It's been so cold for so long that my body hasn't adapted. But it's kind of unpossible to be prepared for 140 degree temperature difference.
I have to figure out if I want to pay $10 to park tonight (advantages: shelter from 40% chance of rain, easy access to/from rehearsal hall, I get to leave home an hour later) or try to find street parking (advantages: free).
I made the unfortunate discovery that this place [link] is the perfect lunchtime walk distance from the office.
I foresee many more burritos in my future.
I made the unfortunate discovery
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
My stomach would agree with you