That's a beautiful house, Flea. Best of luck with it.
I found a new "coping" mechanism for intense migraine pain, and now I have a three inch scratch down my face, and bruising on my arm the nurse didn't think I could have done myself.
AKA, went to ER last night. This week is not shining employee week, but I will make all my stated goals.
Guys, working is so stupid. Why do we do it?
I love this house. You need to buy this house so I can come visit you in this house. But, you know, I have those bowl sinks, and I think they're great.
I said over on fb, but while you all are having a lovely glorious Ohio day, I am having freezing rain. I built a fire. I'm thawing elk meat for chili.
I think the veggies thing is confusing too. When I started with our trainer, I thought we were going to be all, hey, vegetarian and eat lots of beans and whatnot. But it turned out, no. And now I eat lots of red meat. But it's mostly game, so low fat red meat. But still, I was not expecting the importance of protein. It was somewhat disconcerting.
Of course, I say that, as I chow down on my leftover pizza and breadsticks. Oh well.
Coffee: I like it.
I blame society. And capitalism.
Guys, working is so stupid. Why do we do it?
Can't figure that one out, either. Wasn't Obama supposed to have already given us our gold-plated, money-producing unicorns by now?
t edit
I also want to know: WHY do we have to buy groceries EVERY WEEK? We JUST got them LAST week!
(See also, how does the fucking bathtub get so dirty when there's water and soap in it EVERY DAY?)
Laundry! How can there always be new laundry?
I also want to know: WHY do we have to buy groceries EVERY WEEK? We JUST got them LAST week!
Seriously, why? Also (I believe this is flea's question from a few days ago) WHY do we have to come up with something to eat for dinner every single night?? Who has the time? It's exhausting! (I have no ideas for tonight. None. Raid the freezer for TJs stuff, I guess? But I really need to eat some more fresh veggies this week. Argh.)
Consuela that stinks.
Sparky I miss your mom's pies.
GO MAC! That's all I have. This day is all black coffee on white shirts.
Dear People For Whom I'm Trying To Organize A Meeting:
It is awesome that, when I sent out the first query yesterday, five of you responded immediately with times you could make, and it is even more awesome that there were three separate times that all five of you could do. That's rare, and it's fabulous. But, though diligent, it's not especially helpful that when I send a follow-up email asking everyone who hasn't answered yet to answer now, you reply again to say, "Yes, I can make those times." You can indeed! That's great! Have a cookie, and please don't email me again!
Also, Guy Who Bitches About Everything, I know you want us to fold this meeting in with another regular Tuesday AM meeting. I know it because you reply-all'd yesterday saying exactly that and patting yourself on the back for your brilliance. The organizer then reply-all'd right back, explaining why it needs to be a separate meeting. So when you reply to my follow-up with "What about my idea that we have Meeting B inside Meeting A?" the answer is, "She heard it, she overruled it, it's her meeting and not yours, so please don't weasel at me behind her back."