Quester, I was wondering about that.
Peter Davison took on the mantle at age 30. Matt Smith was 28. So he wasn't extraordinarily young, or anything (I think he markedly played an older doctor than Tennant, as a complete digression). Randomly, aren't you likely to have a trend with three points somewhere in that graph of ages?
::sigh:: I've been putting off work with assiduous laundering. But now it's done. Almost done done--I could iron the five shirts, but that would be desperation. Status reports need to get done one way or another. Done done.
I do love this stage in laundry, though [link] It's like I have a (partial) palette of my clothes, and can decide on outfits while actually looking at the clothes (either it's something I planned the day before at work, or while I was trying to sleep, or more often it's what I grabbed when I got out of the shower.and am barely looking). I am pretty sure I'm going to wear #4 with #10 (ankle length skirt) early in the week. I'd love to wear #12 too, bur I can't work out what other than white to pair it with, and I don't wear white shirts to work because of transparency. I could do #3 (long sleeve wrap bodice) and #9 (straight stretchy and loose maxi), but that would be kind of boring. #1 (sleeveless turtleneck) and #9 are growing on me, though.
#6 is navy, and I suck at coordinating that, especially when it comes to shoes. Ah, well. And, sadly, I found a tear in the ruffle of #13, probably from when it tripped me going up some stairs (I don't remember the exact flight of stairs, but #13, #12, #9, and #6 all need to be held when I try and go up stairs.
And that is your tour of ita !'s closet (wait, maybe #5 (heathered grey short sleeve turtleneck) and #10...). I'm setting myself a one month goal to pick a section of my closet and just be ruthless. If I'm really keeping stuff for sentimental reasons, it doesn't need to be taking up hanging space. That's for what I wear. And I have a tonnage of pretty stuff, some still unworn. I'm not going to be the same size I was 20 years ago, or the same shape I was when doing krav.