Trying again.
It's dropped 15 degrees in the last hour and is still heading south. Same storm system that Tep was complaining about earlier in the weekend.
Laundry is in the dryer, errands done, eating dinner. Then I will do my nails and attend to the laundry (make bed) in some order.
Same storm system that Tep was complaining about earlier in the weekend.
Ugh. Gather the animals 2 by 2 and buckle down.
so zucchini chips may be the yummies things I've tried in a while.
Yes, recipe please!
I found a zucchini fries recipe last summer that uses panko and they're baked in the oven, and they are also absolutely delicious if a little bit time-intensive.
It's hot as fuck here. I have no idea what the actual temperature is, aside from Too Hot.
t - sliced, put on a cookie sheet with a liner. drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and the put some shredded parmesan cheese on each. I put them in the oven at 350 for like 12 minutes. They were not crisp, but the cheese was. I think maybe a lower temp and a longer cook time would result in crisp zucchini.
Damn, my robins are growing! Two days ago, they were completely bald. One has nascent feathers all over it and the other is 75% there. THey can hold their heads up now. Still just 2 and a leftover shell or egg.
Thanks, msbelle, that sounds right up my alley. Yum.
Aw, baby birds.
Just spent two hours sorting crap in my garage. Jeez, I have a lot of crap to deal with. Including some 20-year-old climbing equipment that I just have to toss, because at that age it's no longer safe.
Are you in Canada, Jess? It’s 90°, feels like 96° where I am.
No, Brooklyn, but apparently it's so hot my weather widget is several degrees behind. If I were in Canada I would have neither air conditioning nor internet access!
ftr cucumber raita with mint....SO YUMM.
Everything I want to make right now is white: traditional cole slaw, tzatziki.... OK, I guess that's it.
A smart thing I did yesterday: I was making an "Asian" cole slaw, and grated up the whole (small) cabbage (and carrot and onion), and kept it separate from the sauce, except for the portion I was eating. Which was good! Because I didn't like it that much, so now I can make mayo/vinegar slaw, and use the sauce for dipping dumplings or whatever.