If she's got a favorite blanket/rug give her her own pillow covered by it. Of course, Pumpkin sleeps in my hair, so...
I think Loki got stung by something this morning or last night. He has a penny/nickel sized hard bump on his chin, warm to the touch. I'm keeping an eye on it and icing it when he lets me. He's less than impressed with icing. And it only seems to bother him when I mess with it. Hope it is just a sting and not a tooth abscess. Finance gods will laugh and laugh.
Oh my (I typed Jesus and autocorrect changed it to Jesse. Make of that what you will.)
I make of it that you're about to open the wine and drink to the heart which has a will of its own.
I was always really glad Homer never wanted to be by my head.
And there is some semi-regular sound from outside that I still think sounds like him retching, so it makes me flinch a little still.
Also, I am very much like Jesus. Unless they meant David's father Jesse, which I guess is possible.
My elder cat has been horking more and more lately. I switched her to sensitive stomach stuff, but the horking continues. She hasn't had hairball issues in the last 10 years, but I'm thinking that may be part of the problem. I need to trap her in the bathroom and furrminate her.
I managed to refrain from putting "paying my mortgage" down as my objective on job applications, though that was always the first (and often the only) thing that came to mind.
I always want to put...to get the hell out of my current job!
My cats wake me up near dawn every day. Damn cats.
When I have to do my annual review, I want to put "haven't gotten fired" as one of my major accomplishments.
Oh god, I don't think we even have a place for new accomplishments, just progress against goals, but I totally should have put that this year.
True, it does go back to me wanting to list "don't get fired" as one of my goals.
Funny, I tell myself all the time that the worst thing that will happen to me if I fuck up at work is that I'll get fired. Because the small-shrewish-mammal part of my brain totally thinks it will get eaten.
So maybe y'all should put "did not get eaten" down as accomplishments.