I just want a damn job. I probably should put something else down as my goal though.
I managed to refrain from putting "paying my mortgage" down as my objective on job applications, though that was always the first (and often the only) thing that came to mind. Stay strong.
Skimming Not Always Related leaves me very perplexed. The one BT linked to is pretty clear, but the rest seem to be missing their punchlines.
Last week's art course homework was to reproduce a black and white photograph with a newsprint collage, and this week involves some sort of outdoors installation. I only have to do one more, but if there's any sort of increasing wackery, I'm screwed.
When is the assignment going to ask me to make a collage of TV characters in suggestive positions?
Slept with earplugs in. Amazing how much of my insomnia is due to the cats making creepy noises in the house --the instigating incident was them playing in a paper grocery bag, which sounded a lot like someone turning the knob on the storm door. Which is whacked because that was the first time I decided to lock my door at night. I'm secure and suddenly I'm terrified of home invasion. Unsecure I sleep like I'm in a coma.
It was actually kind of a balm for the person taking over at that point to have a personal connection. (And a surprise - we didn't know ahead of time.) but it also kind of cracks me up. Small towns, yo.
Oh my (I typed Jesus and autocorrect changed it to Jesse. Make of that what you will.) the cat has been climbing on my head in the middle of the night and it is driving me batshit. She woke me up four times last night and I woke up in the morning feeling like I'd barely slept. I don't know how long I can stand this. I'm actually worried that I'll fling her across the room some night by reflex and seriously injure her. She's old and frail (and can't fully retract her claws).
If she's got a favorite blanket/rug give her her own pillow covered by it. Of course, Pumpkin sleeps in my hair, so...
I think Loki got stung by something this morning or last night. He has a penny/nickel sized hard bump on his chin, warm to the touch. I'm keeping an eye on it and icing it when he lets me. He's less than impressed with icing. And it only seems to bother him when I mess with it. Hope it is just a sting and not a tooth abscess. Finance gods will laugh and laugh.
Oh my (I typed Jesus and autocorrect changed it to Jesse. Make of that what you will.)
I make of it that you're about to open the wine and drink to the heart which has a will of its own.
I was always really glad Homer never wanted to be by my head.
And there is some semi-regular sound from outside that I still think sounds like him retching, so it makes me flinch a little still.
Also, I am very much like Jesus. Unless they meant David's father Jesse, which I guess is possible.
My elder cat has been horking more and more lately. I switched her to sensitive stomach stuff, but the horking continues. She hasn't had hairball issues in the last 10 years, but I'm thinking that may be part of the problem. I need to trap her in the bathroom and furrminate her.