Should I admit that I label every container with contents and date and keep a refrigerator inventory database with estimated expiration dates?
That is super impressive.
I am currently pleased with myself that I took something out of the freezer for dinner instead of buying crap. And it was labeled: Chili 5/11.
Duck penises (I really want that word to be penii) seem so quaintly innocent compared to cow teat dresses. Or bull anus trousers.
One of the things I identified as a migraine trigger was meat that wasn't cooked within about a day of purchase. I'm blanking on what the chemical that's produced is called, but it makes my head hurt. I had to try and explain that to the sleep psych and she looked at me like I was weird, and why wasn't chocolate or aged cheese a trigger?
Aged cheese might be. I don't eat it, I think.
Should I admit that I label every container with contents and date and keep a refrigerator inventory database with estimated expiration dates?
Super duper impressive.
I made lentils and rice today... separately, but I combine them, but they won't last long enough to go bad. I'm pretty good about eating up all my leftovers. I tend to let raw veggies go bad way too often, though.
I hope this sleep psych turns out to be helpful and not just annoying.
Should I admit that I label every container with contents and date and keep a refrigerator inventory database with estimated expiration dates?
I don't label containers going in the refrigerator, but I tend to label things I'm freezing. And I keep a mental inventory of what's in the refrigerator and the pantry.
I'm blanking on what the chemical that's produced is called, but it makes my head hurt.
Yes! Why do you know that?
Should I admit that I label every container with contents and date and keep a refrigerator inventory database with estimated expiration dates? So I can know without looking that the only things currently in my fridge are: half an onion that should have been eaten a week ago, 10 eggs, a stick of butter, and peanut butter.
You are a GODDESS. See, this sort of thing makes me wibble.
Okay, reading up on tyramine, and it's in everything, but why can I only tell the difference in meat?