And probably at stuff that wouldn't have made me laugh so much on TV or whatever. Brian Regan, I think?
FWIW, he's amazing. Weirdly he's a super-successful touring comedian, a comedian's comedian, but not well-known or beloved among comedy nerds. He works clean and can do fifteen amazing minutes on something you wouldn't think there's life left in-- like reading. Or water. Ask any working standup and he's a god.
Post more, people! I am bored. It's 10:30PM on Saturday night, I went to see a movie, got dinner, and now I'm home and not sleepy due to the two hour nap I took earlier. But I ran out of internet!
I'm googling for exterminators. 4 waterbugs in 2 days? NOT ON!
I'm jealous, Jesse! There's a couple of really good Brian Regan vids up on YouTube. DH was just showing one to his mom. Regan doesn't have a potty mouth so it's safe to share with the parentals.
DH was just showing one to his mom. Regan doesn't have a potty mouth so it's safe to share with the parentals.
When my mom visited recently we watched Regan specials on Netflix instant during the evenings. Recommended!
I read that as Reagon at first and was really confused.
we watched Regan specials on Netflix instant during the evenings
Good idea! And... there goes my evening.
Guess who did not need an extender seat belt on the plane? And guess who was able to pull down the tray and not have to negotiate around her stomach? I was doing a sitting-down version of my Happy Dance before I remembered where I was.
When I was growing up in central New Jersey in the 70s and 80s calling another kid a spaz was pretty bad. It was akin to calling another kid a retard (also bad) and I think the implications of disability were pretty clear.
Bad enough that when I was in the UK and heard mention of "The Spastic Society" I was pretty shocked to hear it used so... grownuply.
Interestingly enough,
someone a Retard was v. bad, saying something was "retarded" was fine. That has actually been a hard habit for me to break. I've adopted "House Plant" as a pretty good substitute as in "What are you, a house plant?" and until the indoor leafed Americans express their displeasure I will continue to do so. I am not sure if their objection would be the denegration of plants as a whole or their feeling that they're being singled out for being
plants, but regardless of the nature of such an objection I would respect it.
Because its all about respect. You ask me to not say something because its hurtful and I pretty much won't. I don't know why some "Well, I'm not PC..." people feel so put out by that. Just be fucking nice.
Oh, "Fuck" hah. My mother haaaaaated when we said fuck. She'd always say, "that's such an ugly word for such a
thing..." I think she meant it, but it was mostly effective because we really didn't want to hear her talk about sex. Of course, once I got old enough to reply "Sometimes you want a good FUCK" she wasn't tryin' that one anymore.
"What are you, a house plant?"
Ah, my favorite Red Foreman, "Boy, if your ass was any dumber, we'd have to water you."
Oh, I like the idea of calling someone a house plant. I once angrily called someone a hominid, and he got very upset, naturally assuming I'd called him a homo and all that, until a witness cleared his throat said, "Dude, no, she called you something you really are." I've used "biped" to good effect as well. I haven't used "chordate" yet, I'll have to work that in somewhere.