This made me laugh. But then again, I'm weird.
Cat Vs. Printer, Translated in an English Accent (The One)
If you've ever struggled with a horrible printer, you'll be able to sympathize with the cat in the video you're about to see. Some clever person has taken the cat's silent struggle and added an internal monologue (in an English accent, and with some NSFW language, even!)
What used to be a funny video of a cat batting at one of the world's most frustrating machines is now an even funnier video of a cat cursing out the devil printer. Why won't it take the bloody paper?!
Barry the Rapping Dog featuring Mylo and Cleo the Singing Cats
Yeah, it's a dog rapping and cats singing, but it's done well.
amyth, all kinds of ~ma for your brother.
I can't be the only one who spends 30+ minutes in bed with her iPhone catching up on teh interwebs before even getting out of bed...?
I crawl out of bed and go directly to my computer for said purpose.
I, uh, have a laptop in my bed. But I usually haul ass to the one in the living room.
I would rather sleep in longer than catch up the internet. I know, it's crazy.
I would rather sleep in longer than catch up the internet. I know, it's crazy.
But people are out there, unsupervised, being wrong!
I totally spend 30 minutes after I wake up, still in bed, reading the iPhone. It's become a very bad habit.
If I were blowing out my hair, it would totally take me that long. But I do that like, twice a year.
t Angry Birds
Yep, still stuck on level 8
t /Angry Birds
OK, I read that article, and as far as comparing men v. women maintenence time, she is basically right. But her tone is "WAH WAH WAH keeping up with cute 25 year olds and I don't get ahead as much as when I was a cute 25 yo and did all this stuff too, and if you don't do at least 30 minutes of this (and I suck at it, wah) you are an Ugly Lying Bitch," rather than "Gender Equity Rarw."