Sox, I told you: The cookies are supposed to be stuck to your application with icing (not staples)! As a person who has looked at hundreds of applications for law schools, the one I remember most was from the woman who had been a baker.
Aims: Yay! Does this mean you'll be in Em's classroom?
Sparky - it could be! They need a long term sub, so if I can get into this enrollment class I need, then I should be able to be in the pool, at which point Em's teachers will request me.
It just hit me: I'm gonna be a teacher!! A real live teacher!!
Holy eff.
I have a nerve-wracking meeting coming up at 9. Anyone know a way to use typical office supplies, caffeine, and sudafed to quickly produce a tranquilize?
Holy eff.
You won't be able to say that anymore!
Also, congratulations!
Anyone know a way to use typical office supplies, caffeine, and sudafed to quickly produce a tranquilize?
put a thumbtack point up in your shoe. whenever you start getting nervous, just press your toe on the thumbtack and concentrate on the pain. You won't have the mental space to be nervous.
...that's too hard-core for me. But remind me never to try and torture you to get the secret nuclear plans.
I thought that was how to beat a polygraph.
my 68-year-old dad got his first tattoo. ON HIS NECK. (I actually think that the tat itself looks fantastic; I just have some doubts about the placement.
Are those his initials?
They are. Like you said, just in case...