I would guess everyone needs some kind of balance between being social and being alone and can get too much of either. The question is, in general, when you are low on energy, which is more liable to perk you up, being alone or being with people? That's how it was explained to me.
I am classic introvert: being around people, even when it is fun, just exhausts me.
The question is, in general, when you are low on energy, which is more liable to perk you up, being alone or being with people? That's how it was explained to me.
Okay that makes sense. Except that both things will perk me up. It varies. (This is more proof that I'm a cartoon, isn't it?)
I think that the difference is that shy people want to interract, but are unable to, but introverts just don't want to interact.
I'm perfectly happy being a hermit at home. But once out with folks, I stay a long time. But then, recharge time. I dunno. I say shy because I get flustered easy, especially when talking with a gal I find interesting.
I took a free online test, it says I'm:
I - N - T - J
89 62 25 67
When I was a kid, people always told me I was shy, and then a teacher told me that shyness was just arrogance, because I expected people to be paying attention to me, so I interacted more after that. Which, obviously I was not shy, just introverted, and the teacher was a bitch.
Ew. Yeah. I have a severe fear that people don't actually like me or want to be around me, so asking people if they want to do things with me is almost undoable. I'm also afraid that people who I don't know very well, and who I am hanging out with for the first few times I am convinced I am irritating them.
A friend of mine (also a teacher) said it was arrogance. And, I'm pretty sure it's the opposite. Did some pop psychologist start a thing where shyness is arrogance?
A friend of mine (also a teacher) said it was arrogance. And, I'm pretty sure it's the opposite. Did some pop psychologist start a thing where shyness is arrogance?
And if so, would it be arrogant to suggest shy people hit him or her with sticks?
I always come out Extravert on the MBTI, and really, I probably am. But not strongly; I often have to leave big parties to sit by myself for a few minutes before diving back in.
I think most everyone is on the spectrum, so while Jilli's an extravert, she's not a strong enough one to never need quiet alone-time to recharge.
Worrying that people don't want to be around you sounds exactly like insecurity to me. Worrying that they are judging you every time you open your mouth--especially in a group--is a form of arrogance, I think. It makes the dynamic all about YOU and how YOU sound, when it's really just a bunch of people with the same wish not to make fools of themselves. You are not speaking to protect yourself from sounding foolish, and leaving others to fill the gaps.
It doesn't mean I don't feel that myself plenty of times, but it can be seen as a form of arrogance.
It comes from a very, "I'm sure they have stuff that's better/more important/more fun than going to dinner/seeing a movie/grabbing a drink with me." I'm pretty sure that's the opposite.