Oh, on the dating thing. I'm not expecting to find someone who has the exact same interests/opinions as I do. Just the guy in question was so dismissive regarding Buffy and his comments about baseball seemed condescending to me.
I mean, baseball is my professional sport of choice, but if a prospective date was a big hockey fan, I'd be interested in having him share his passion for the sport with me.
Had I been a boy, I would have been Reza. Not a name that flips between Farsi and English as easily as Susan.
I know THREE Rezas. It's the John of Farsi, isn't it?
I know a couple Rezas myself too.
I just wrinkled my nose at another guy in order to encourage better service. Well, at least I'm not batting eyelashes or modulating my voice.
OMG, from eavesdropping, there's a Jayne hat in the next row over. Except he totally didn't get my "Is that a cunning hat?" reference. Piker. Have I watched Firefly, he asks. Bah. Don't even.
Okay, so I will happily diss you for not being nerdy enough. And me? Still single. Just imagine.
At least in that generation -- every Persian guy I know (practically) is named Reza, too.
there's a Jayne hat in the next row over. Except he totally didn't get my "Is that a cunning hat?" reference. Piker. Have I watched Firefly, he asks. Bah. Don't even.
Do you ever use your trump card and say, "I have a moon"?
OMG y'all our internet and all external servers were down for HOURS! all trading floor stuff DOWN in this market, people are pissed.
Now it's back up and I feel the need to leave early because I have boxes to get home on my commute.
I think I'm close to breaking the copyeditor. Final thirty pages of the ms and she's gone on a frenzy of making everything grammatically correct and in the process, more passive.
Do you ever use your trump card and say, "I have a moon"?
Play the moon card? God, the looks that has gotten the couple times I brought it up to new people. I THOUGHT THEY WERE FANS. REAL FANS.
It'll just be our secret.
Which reminds me! I just got the email that my Serenity keychain is shipping. Too excited.
I think you should pick a really obscure Zoe quote about kicking someone's ass, make it into a t-shirt, and then wait for him to ask about it. "You do watch Firefly don't you?", ita said. And then punched him in the face.
Our AWESOME secret!
I am super stoked about the SO`s show. It`s something he`s wanted to do for a long time and it will be great to hear it live. He`s worried about it because they were underrehearsed when he checked in on them. We`ll see how it goes.
So you know all that free floating anxiety I had going on this morning? I held a business meeting with the three of us to try to offload some of the stress and sense of being overwhelmed. I was successful and now all three of us feel stressed and overwhelmed! FAIL!
And now, while I was typing that, The SO called us all into my office to remind us that it will be a really fun summer of getting paid to play music. Which is true. So that helps put the stress into perspective. I love that guy.