I lost track of how many job applications I sent out. I think I'm somewhere around 135. And, so far, two interviews.
Hil, have the math grad students set up a Wiki for keeping track of their mutual job search? It's quite an improvement over the old days when you really didn't know what was happening unless you got an interview. Here is the Psychology Wiki for this year as an example:
I'd eat your goat, ita. Would it be jerked? BBQed? (You can get BBQ goat in Oakland.)
It would be curried. I wonder if the Indian staff would turn their noses up at Caribbean curry.
I've only had Oaxacan BBQ goat. It's pretty good. It's been way too long. I also need to try the goat tacos near Kat.
My biggest grammar/spelling STOP DOING THAT is currently loose/lose. I have no idea why it gets me so riled up. Worse than their/there/they're by a country mile.
My biggest grammar/spelling STOP DOING THAT is
...people who abuse apostrophe-s. Grrrrrrr.
Loose/lose also bugs me out of all proportion. And it could just be a typo, so really I should learn to overlook.
it's/its is my biggest.
smonster, we have to have pix when you're done! If you weren't getting a salon do, I'd recommend Feria's Cardinal. I have lots of luck with it.
I work with someone who's barely literate, and academically it's somewhat fascinating the errors he makes. Unsurprisingly he avoids emailing at all cost, which is tough for me because I need a written record.
In professional publications, though, stuff like that drives me batshit.
Shift done! Off to bank and then salon. There will be pics. And thanks for the hair color rec. I will have to remember that, as I can't afford salon color, really.
In completely random news, I had decided that, if I were to ever get married (btw, we had a guarded marriage convo this weekend -- we both admitted the thought is bouncing around in both our heads! OMGWTFBBQ) I would get a custom made corset. Overbust, sweetheart, a dark forest/moss green velvet with dark rose watered silk laces and edging. This would go with a A-line full white knee-length skirt with a pale pink taffeta overlay.
Pale pink teeny fishnets and silver 40's dancer's shoes.
And that's what I would wear.
BTW, Perkins, we should definitely do beignets. I didn't want to further hijack Movies to set it up and further loose social capital...
ICON: Trader Joe's instant coffee is not bad, but it's not really good, either. I am spoiled