In completely random news, I had decided that, if I were to ever get married (btw, we had a guarded marriage convo this weekend -- we both admitted the thought is bouncing around in both our heads! OMGWTFBBQ) I would get a custom made corset. Overbust, sweetheart, a dark forest/moss green velvet with dark rose watered silk laces and edging. This would go with a A-line full white knee-length skirt with a pale pink taffeta overlay.
Pale pink teeny fishnets and silver 40's dancer's shoes.
And that's what I would wear.
BTW, Perkins, we should definitely do beignets. I didn't want to further hijack Movies to set it up and further loose social capital...
ICON: Trader Joe's instant coffee is not bad, but it's not really good, either. I am spoiled
She did that on purpose. Then topped it with a neat little bit of instant coffee provocation.
She left off the bacon though.
She left off the bacon though.
And the cilantro and serial comma.
She left off the bacon though.
For a second, I thought you were talking about my dream dress and I was all "Huh. Mmmm...bacon. Wait, no!"
Can't wait to see pics of you in the dream dress, Erin. When the time is right.
Also, someone tell me to step away from the YouTube - I've been watching Firefly clips again, and the heart, she breaks all over again.
Lovely hypothetical outfit, Erin! Does not need bacon.
t I did do that on purpose