Yeah we are gearing up to do invites but first are the save the dates many of which I'll be emailing. In the email message I'll be asking, when necessary, people for the spelling of their SO name.
Steph, I'd be pissed if I were you. That was pretty thoughtless. But maybe also just an innocent mistake in the flurry of wedding prep activity.
Yes, I was sitting down. Sneezed and legs went up. Hil, that both makes me feel better and further confirms my suspicions that I have a degree of hypermobility.
Done that.
It's worse if you are sitting cross-legged for me. Which, I tend to do.
Sorry, babe.
showing up at your house in a tux after you've had a hard day and making you a pot of tea and listening to you bitch about your boss...
OMG, I would love this. Or I vote for the Old Spice Man clad in towel, making tea, listening to me bitch, and then saying crazy things about what we will do to my boss and how he will make me feel better.
See, a towel would be too much temptation.
The important thing is that YOU be there, and you can bring anyone you want, like your mom or George Clooney.
Not to devalue The Boy who I totally dig without ever having met him, but bring George Clooney. He'd be an awesome wedding date.
I called my mom to ask her if I was missing some point of wedding etiquette, and she said, "Oh my god, take someone else!" So I shared that with The Boy, and he said "You could bring Ava!" (That is his name when he's cross-dressed.)
And, well, the invitation explicitly says "adults-only". I could wear my flamey corset! (What? If you send an invitation to ME that uses the phrase "adults-only," at this point in my life I'ma think "kink" or "orgy.")
(God. I hope it's not an orgy.)
(Do you send invitations to an orgy, or do they just happen?)
I would totally sent invites to an orgy. If I were having a full-out orgy, I would want some fancy, Roman thing.
What's that joke about southerners and orgys and thank-you notes? And what the hell is it from?
It was funny.
What's that joke about southerners and orgys and thank-you notes? And what the hell is it from?
Q: Why doesn't the Junior League have orgies?
A: Too many thank-you notes.
I asked The Boy if you send invitations to orgies and he said of course you do, for quality control purposes.