The important thing is that YOU be there, and you can bring anyone you want, like your mom or George Clooney.
Not to devalue The Boy who I totally dig without ever having met him, but bring George Clooney. He'd be an awesome wedding date.
I called my mom to ask her if I was missing some point of wedding etiquette, and she said, "Oh my god, take someone else!" So I shared that with The Boy, and he said "You could bring Ava!" (That is his name when he's cross-dressed.)
And, well, the invitation explicitly says "adults-only". I could wear my flamey corset! (What? If you send an invitation to ME that uses the phrase "adults-only," at this point in my life I'ma think "kink" or "orgy.")
(God. I hope it's not an orgy.)
(Do you send invitations to an orgy, or do they just happen?)
I would totally sent invites to an orgy. If I were having a full-out orgy, I would want some fancy, Roman thing.
What's that joke about southerners and orgys and thank-you notes? And what the hell is it from?
It was funny.
What's that joke about southerners and orgys and thank-you notes? And what the hell is it from?
Q: Why doesn't the Junior League have orgies?
A: Too many thank-you notes.
I asked The Boy if you send invitations to orgies and he said of course you do, for quality control purposes.
You should totally take Ava.
And I think you should send invitations for an orgy, so you can cater for them properly.
Flipness aside, I would consider wearing a corset to a wedding. Then again, my family eschews the only-the-bride-wears-write rule. But I think it worked out cute.
That was pretty much my thought, Tep. And today, you would need a STI screen, and possibly a psych eval...and SO much money for condoms, sex toys, and wine and drugs (what, you think I'm going to an orgy SOBER? Ha.)
I'm exhausted thinking about it. I think I'll stay home with a bottle of wine and my husband. Even a threesome sounds tiring!
Is that your dad, ita? I esp. like the tiny white flowers in the background. (Although it would be more awesome if he was wearing a white corset...)
he said "You could bring Ava!" (That is his name when he's cross-dressed.)
YES. THIS. I would totally love it if someone brought a cross dressed date to my wedding. As a matter of fact, there will be at least one drag queen. She will be doing my hair.
Ugh. I picked up ND from the doctors office today, and got to see him and his staples. Pix was on her way to pick up Barb, and I had to come back to Burbank to walk and pet sit my friends' beagle. I was going to back and see Pix and meet Barb, but since I got here, I've been feeling gassy and crampy, and now I'm all refluxy. I took a half-assed nap, and had some antacid, but I still feel borderline pukey.