We have what I think are three dappled willow shrubs in our front garden. I had them shaped and tamed at the beginning of the summer but then we had RAIN!! and HEAT!! and the damn things have EXPLODED to the point that it's almost kind of hard to get up to our front door.
How this pertains is that I was giving directions to my friend who hadn't been to the new place yet and I said, "You'll know my house - it's the one with the untrimmed bush in front."
To which she immediately starting cracking up and said, "70's porno bush or Brazilian that needs to be redone bush?"
After googling "dappled willow shrub" I believe even the nicely groomed ones imply 70's porn.
I haz bizness cardz! (thankfully the spelling on the cards are not in LOLcat).
I haz bizness cardz! (thankfully the spelling on the cards are not in LOLcat).
Heh. Now I'm wondering - if you put "Fluent in LOLcat" on your resume, would people notice?
Seska, I think your research is very sexy. But I have no funding. Alas.
Very appreciative. But it should be noted I'm extremely behind updating the site, so it may be a while.
Duly noted.
Speaking of Tom Hardy, who wants to see him sniffle while cuddling a bulldog? [link]
Oooh, ooh! I forgot! I have a moral/ethical/WWtheBitchesD question!!
So, a friend called me up all upset and I supported her, telling her I thought she'd done exactly what she could/should/the right thing, but I wanted to see if I'm just crazy:
You have a parking space behind your apartment building. You plan to leave at some point in the evening (and need the car--it's more urgent than "oh, I was going to run to the store", but not like "OMG, I am leaving for the airport RIGHT NOW"). You go out there...and there is someone parked behind your car, preventing you from leaving. WHAT DO YOU DO?
(I'll let you know what she did after I hear from y'all...she even had some solutions I hadn't thought of)
Call and have them towed. If it's a neighbor whose car you recognize I guess knock on the door first.
Misread the airport bit. If it's not super urgent I'd probably wait 15 minutes or so first.
How many apartments in the building? If fewer than 6, I would knock and ask someone if it's their car and can they move it?
If it's more than that, I honk my horn for five minutes and if no one comes out, call the tow company.
If there are few enough apartments, I knock on neighbors' doors. After that, I call a tow truck. I never park so as to block anybody. Even if I'm just running in somewhere for a second.
The person I'm blocking has no idea when I'll be back. It's on the blocker, not the blockee.