Oooh, ooh! I forgot! I have a moral/ethical/WWtheBitchesD question!!
So, a friend called me up all upset and I supported her, telling her I thought she'd done exactly what she could/should/the right thing, but I wanted to see if I'm just crazy:
You have a parking space behind your apartment building. You plan to leave at some point in the evening (and need the car--it's more urgent than "oh, I was going to run to the store", but not like "OMG, I am leaving for the airport RIGHT NOW"). You go out there...and there is someone parked behind your car, preventing you from leaving. WHAT DO YOU DO?
(I'll let you know what she did after I hear from y'all...she even had some solutions I hadn't thought of)
Call and have them towed. If it's a neighbor whose car you recognize I guess knock on the door first.
Misread the airport bit. If it's not super urgent I'd probably wait 15 minutes or so first.
How many apartments in the building? If fewer than 6, I would knock and ask someone if it's their car and can they move it?
If it's more than that, I honk my horn for five minutes and if no one comes out, call the tow company.
If there are few enough apartments, I knock on neighbors' doors. After that, I call a tow truck. I never park so as to block anybody. Even if I'm just running in somewhere for a second.
The person I'm blocking has no idea when I'll be back. It's on the blocker, not the blockee.
First I would look around to see if anyone seemed to belong to the car. Then I would knock on the door closest to the car in question and ask if anyone inside owned it. If that didn't work, I would get in my car and lay on the horn until the car owner came back. (keeping in mind my car horn is like, "meeep!")
If you're lucky, four burly strangers will happen along and you can ask them to pick up the offending car and move it out of the way.
I have the emails and phone numbers of everyone in my 12-unit apartment complex, so I'd probably try texting and emailing first. There's sort of a towing czar in one of the units, so if I didn't hear from anyone in 5 minutes, I'd see if he was home and if he knew who the car belonged to. If he didn't, it would be towing time, because he knows all the residents' cars and only residents are supposed to park in our section of the lot.
Why do I always forget that rule?
Why do I always forget that rule?
Because sometimes people are WRONG ON THE INTERNET.