Buffy! If I wanted to fight, you could tell by the being dead already.

Glory ,'Potential'

Spike's Bitches 45: That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risqué (and frisqué), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

beth b - Nov 25, 2009 11:29:11 am PST #1613 of 30000
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

Peace , ChiKat

omnis_audis - Nov 25, 2009 11:32:05 am PST #1614 of 30000
omnis, pursue. That's an order from a shy woman who can use M-16. - Shir

Oh! WHY!?! Why do I have to have morals?!? We (the theater) purchased new wireless mics, and the manufacturer has a rebate program. They send the check made out to ME, not the theater! also, it's a POST CARD. A check. Postcard. How messed up is that?

Vortex - Nov 25, 2009 11:37:13 am PST #1615 of 30000
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

First time turkey-cooking hivemind question: Ok, so I thought roasting a turkey was the same as roasting a chicken, only it takes longer. Turns out, some of the details are slightly different. For instance, frozen chickens are not usually collared together with a plastic thingy. The plastic thingy seems to be embedded into the turkey, so am I meant to take it out before cooking, or is it ok to leave it in there? Also, I found the packet, which I assume is the gibblets, and have removed it from the bird, but are there any other bits of bird that need to go away before roasting commences?

Plastic thingy is okay, you can remove it before you serve

Once you have the giblet package, also check to see if the neck is in the cavity. If it is, remove it. You can use it and the giblets to make stock for the gravy.

Chocolate cheesecake is in the oven, hazelnuts are toasting for the sweet potato hazelnut bars that I'll make a little later.

Shir - Nov 25, 2009 11:40:29 am PST #1616 of 30000
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

ChiKat, I'm very sorry. It is awful.

Shir - Nov 25, 2009 11:42:40 am PST #1617 of 30000
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".


Chocolate cheesecake is in the oven

Can I come over?

And. Ladies and gentlemen, after a long absence from my work week, I'm proud, honored and excited to have a full 7 hours night sleep, tonight! Bed, here I come!

Vortex - Nov 25, 2009 11:49:27 am PST #1618 of 30000
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

Can I come over?

sure! What time should I pick you up at the airport?

Shir - Nov 25, 2009 11:56:03 am PST #1619 of 30000
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

sure! What time should I pick you up at the airport?

Oh, hon, as soon as this will happen - you'll know. Y'all know. I'm thinking neon signs and alarm clocks knowing for when I'll come.

I'll get through this year, and the year following that. And they'll obey me, for I'm Shir of Bitches, the neon-signer alarm-clocker really need to sleep-goer.

And they'll tremble, and they'll fear.

I mean, we are talking about Vortexian chocolate cheesecake. I don't do alarm clocks for just any chocolate cheesecake.

Yeah. So, sleep.

beth b - Nov 25, 2009 11:57:02 am PST #1620 of 30000
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

cranberry sauce made , sweet potao soup is cooking , and mushroom pate is sill a dream

Strix - Nov 25, 2009 11:57:25 am PST #1621 of 30000
A dress should be tight enough to show you're a woman but loose enough to flee from zombies. — Ginger

My day so far:

Wake up, coffee, internet round-up and check. Go to to start iTouch for cleaning rampage music, is dead. Say bad words, charge.Prepare to clean in monk-like silence.

Awful gingham ex-wife curtains removed from dining room.

Go out, apologize to neighbor's for ex-wife's dog incessantly barking. Explain dog needs to be out while I clean. Neighbor is very nice, offers to bring EWD over to play with son's GIANT Lab puppy. EWD goes over fence, promptly starts trying to hump giant Lab puppy's face. I go inside.

Dining room dusted, lemon oiled, window seat hastily cleaned and decorated with items pilfered from screened in porch room, de-cat boxed, de- cat fooded, de- pethair and de-cat condoed

Dining room swiffered, swept (yes, I have to do it twice, fucking 5 pets, OMGWHY?) mopped.

Dining room chairs brought in, not polished yet.

OMG, I forgot I have to cook a turkey breast too! Check turkey breast -- does not need to be defrosted. Cancel plans for evening, as this means I have to cook the ham tonight.

Put ham out.

Go get cigarettes. It's cold. I'm wearing a short cotton skort.

Get nicotine. Pay in $10.77 worth of change.

Get home, smoke cigarette. Get up, spray overn cleaner in oven, as it was producing large amounts of smoke when I baked a pizza last night (from last time I broiled chicken breasts with shittons of butter.)

Dust and polish almost all furniture in foyer, living room and office, except stuff that will just have to be done again after the de-hairing of the furniture tonight.

Swiffer and sweep living room and office. Mop living room while hollering as cats traipse across wet floor -- "Wait till I'm done cleaning it before you get it dirty!"

Take internet and cigarette break.

beth b - Nov 25, 2009 12:00:24 pm PST #1622 of 30000
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

wizard of oz is on tv, we just hit the poppy fields

I swwep twice with one cat