All the Amy/Aimee's out to play!!
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Hello, amyparker.
How did so many of you people get to keep your names? How is there not a Princess SparklyPants?
I'm not quite a lurker, but I don't post as often as I would like, for reasons that would sound silly if I tried to put them into words.
Anyhow, the past year has been rough, but has become better and better as the fall has rolled on. November started out with me nearly having a nervous breakdown (no exaggeration) over a hellish work project. Then, my dear sweet kitty, Jeeves, developed oral cancer and I finally had to have him put to sleep at the end of May. To put it bluntly, the first part of 2013 sucked.
That said, the good has been slowly and steadily increasing. I am off the hellish work project and am actively enjoying what I'm doing at work. In late September, I adopted a new kitty, by the name of Finnbarr Fancypants McGee (aka "Finn"), who is both gorgeous and an utter doof.
How is there not a Princess SparklyPants?
It's implied.
I, for one, welcome our Amy/Aimee Overlords! All Hail!
Hi All. Glad that this thread got extended! I would totally have missed it. Again I am the lurkiest.
Still living in London with the DH, still working in archaeology. This year I met Brenda! Which was pretty great, no lie.
I hope everyone's well, and this year I will try harder to be actually around the place.
I also feel like a lurker these days because work has been incredibly busy, and I barely have energy to get home and collapse in front of the TV. Not much has changed, other than work getting more frantic.
Now, on to figure out which of the 4 uberpriority projects to work on until it's time to leave for a noon meeting on yet another project that, luckily, I've been able to ditch most of the substantive work on.
Now, on to figure out which of the 4 uberpriority projects to work on
and despite my desire to play on elfster all day and hit refresh refresh refresh on email... THIS. I have 3 big things that need doing. 1 takes a really long time and lots of concentration. 2 I need help on. And of those 2, 1 is already overdue.
The 2013 gift exchange is OPEN - GO! JOIN! - read Press!