I, for one, welcome our Amy/Aimee Overlords! All Hail!
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Hi All. Glad that this thread got extended! I would totally have missed it. Again I am the lurkiest.
Still living in London with the DH, still working in archaeology. This year I met Brenda! Which was pretty great, no lie.
I hope everyone's well, and this year I will try harder to be actually around the place.
I also feel like a lurker these days because work has been incredibly busy, and I barely have energy to get home and collapse in front of the TV. Not much has changed, other than work getting more frantic.
Now, on to figure out which of the 4 uberpriority projects to work on until it's time to leave for a noon meeting on yet another project that, luckily, I've been able to ditch most of the substantive work on.
Now, on to figure out which of the 4 uberpriority projects to work on
and despite my desire to play on elfster all day and hit refresh refresh refresh on email... THIS. I have 3 big things that need doing. 1 takes a really long time and lots of concentration. 2 I need help on. And of those 2, 1 is already overdue.
The 2013 gift exchange is OPEN - GO! JOIN! - read Press!
I'm excited about the exchange this year! Thanks, msbelle.
I've also been lurkier than usual for a bit. Reasons.
I, too, have a couple of monster projects for the work that is supposed to be part time...and never seems to be...including rewriting an operations manual that is SO poorly written that it just makes me sad...and avoidy.
Things are actually well with me otherwise. After a couple of pretty awful years, this one started out really, really badly (hospitalized and treated for something I did not have...legal action ensuing) but has gotten much better since.
I'm sidling up on the two year anniversary of losing my beloved Bartleby and wondering when I will ever NOT grieve that loss to my very core. Honestly, it feels like yesterday.
On the other hand, his successor is keeping me busy by being both incredibly cute and mind numbingly dumb. Cagney really is a joy but, boy howdy, his-we'll just call them 'deficiencies'- make no sense!
Still, when we walk down the street and three enormous Marines fall to the sidewalk and turn into cream puffs (with actual tears in their eyes) in the face of his massive LOVE-BUG-ness...well, you can't argue with charm.
Professionally, I'm striving to create a web-show to share the tools that have worked for my coaching and counseling clients over the last 13 years. I need some help with it, and have not quite found the right fit yet. It's important though, so I soldier on.
My loved ones are actually doing really well despite health and emotional challenges.
As always, I'm infinitely grateful for this community and all that I have found here. In April, it will be 10 years. Except for the apartment I live in and the dog I loved so much, I have NEVER done anything else consistently for 10 years. That says something pretty amazing about this place.
Hi lurkers, semi-lurkers, and denizens of threads I do not frequent!
I love msbelle running amok through the threads. Amok, amok, amok...
... but in the nicest way possible
I only body-check while running through threads when it is absolutely necessary.
I'm lurking in this thread. But I support you all, email or no.