It's too bad you're not in Dallas, Barb, because while I'm not in a foul mood, I am in a strange and not at all good one.
My plan is to go see my husband at the bar and drink scotch in the corner with my gay boyfriend and talk about how awful some people are.
am in an inexplicably foul mood. And I'm not quite sure what to do to soothe it.
Buy a plane ticket to Nevada. Then kill a man in Reno just to watch him die. /Johnny Cash reference.
Don't masturbate - you'll get the swine flu!
In her mood, I'd say she's more at risk for bird flu.
In her mood, I'd say she's more at risk for bird flu.
With a spork.
"Kill him with a spoon!"
"Why a spoon, cousin?"
"Because it would hurt more."
It's too bad you're not in Dallas, Barb, because while I'm not in a foul mood, I am in a strange and not at all good one.
That's probably a fairly accurate description of mine, DJ.
But the bar/husband/gay boyfriend plan sounds like a good one. I wish I had a gay boyfriend. I miss my gay boyfriends.
I have a respirator. will dust this weekend.
Sometimes the only thing for a bad mood is a drink and a bitch session.
This is cool (if too late for this year's Shark Week): Shark Beanbag Chair