Forget gay marriage, the real threat to marriage is Facebook. Contact your representative and urge them to make Facebook illegal, possibly creating a constitutional amendment. The moral fabric of our entire society is at stake.
FACEBOOK has been blamed for the breakdown of thousands of MARRIAGES.
The site was named in at least 20 per cent of divorce petitions in America this year, according to research.
The site was named in at least 20 per cent of divorce petitions in America this year, according to research.
I think they forgot to put the scarequotes around "research." That's okay, I added them in my head.
I think it's safe to say this is not a rigorously researched conclusion.
Going on gut reaction to looks alone, since I'm not familiar with Davenport or Bamber, F Davenport, C Bamber, M Gyllenhall.
F Lynch, because that would be a hoot, I'm sure, C Margulies, and M Bisset, because she's a classic.
F Connelly, C Aniston, M Garner.
F Harlow, C Garland, due to ISSUES a mile wide, M Russell.
Darth Vader Rings Opening Bell At New York Stock Exchange On Wall Street
Some might find Darth Vader's presence on Wall Street today an ominous sign, but there he was with a group of Storm Troopers to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange.
The site was named in at least 20 per cent of divorce petitions in America this year, according to research.
I know of one! Not that I know Facebook was named in a petition, but I did hear it was a factor.
I wonder who gets to play Darth Vader at events like that? It must be one of the coolest gigs ever to stride along ominously. And not be Darth Cheney.
On the Jen FCM, you know I love Garner, but might marry Anniston just to get her off the market and stop all of those articles about how she's so single and desperate.
but might marry Anniston just to get her off the market and stop all of those articles about how she's so single and desperate.
Careful saying stuff like that. Judging by the number of times she seems to show up on the covers of publications in the grocery store check-out lane, tomorrow there could be large headlines declaring "Anniston, Jesse's Girl?" featuring your comment taken out of context.
That would be hilarious. Also, her personal chef had a thing in Oprah Magazine, and the food looked really good, so I think I'm in!