C Davenport, F Gyllenhall, and M Bamber.
C Marguiles, F Bisset, and M Lynch.
C Anniston, F Connelly, and M Garner.
C Garland, F Harlow, and M Russell. (I do love and adore Judy Garland films, but she'd be waaaay too needy for any form of a relationship.)
But you can't portmanteau your names with the same first initial. Could be a PR problem.
I need help: I am sick of saying "bio mom" because "mom" is part of that, and it's not correct. What do I call her? Carrier? Ova-donor? What?
My sister refers to our father as The Sperm.
You could go with The Womb?
It's okay 'cause it would be mostly Jesse anyway, what with how awesome she is, so we could call them Jessen.
Then I thought I might light a fire for the first time, so I tried to open the flue.
Don't give up! Fires are awesome. Err, nicely burning fires in contained spaces intended for the purpose with good ventilation and clean exhaust channels are awesome.
You can call a chimney sweep. He'll get you all cleaned up and ready to go.
You can call a chimney sweep. He'll get you all cleaned up and ready to go.
I figure that's something for the building to take care of, but doubt it will happen. I might send an email to the management, at least.
It's okay 'cause it would be mostly Jesse anyway, what with how awesome she is, so we could call them Jessen.
That is an excellent point.
C-Ackles, F-Momoa, M-Depp
C-Probst, F-Timberlake, M- Jackson
C Jeff Probst
F Joshua Jackson
M Justin Timberlake
Jason Momoa
Jensen Ackles
Johnny Depp
Head go 'splody.
You can call a chimney sweep. He'll get you all cleaned up and ready to go.
Plus he may sing, if he's Dick Van Dyke.