Good point. Season, even.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Maybe Ballard is part of a brilliant, self-policing, on-going security check process the Dollhouse uses to test public theories and speculations like the man on the street interviews at the beginning of the ep. Ballard is an active and both he and Mellie have their progams renewed as they sleep. Getting them together in the same bed was a labor-saving manuever to save time and money in the shifting economy.
Whoever the higher ups are, use the Ballard/Echo interactions as case studies for seeking venture capital.
Or...nothing like that, but it's where my mind went when I saw the camera in Ballard's vent and speculated on why the Dollhouse wouldn't take some of the fine recommendations upthread to bury him out of reach.
I really enjoyed that. Patton Oswalt was wonderful. I wonder whether there really is someone on the inside trying to undermine the dollhouse or if it was part of Echo's programming to throw Ballard even further off the case.
if it was part of Echo's programming to throw Ballard even further off the case.
I just remembered that she told him to back off his frontal assault, but also told him to investigate the reason/motive behind the Dollhouse. Which, could be a way to keep him quiet while he looked into something even more intangible, or it was a helpful tip to keep his ass out of trouble and therefore be able to continue his search, and putting him on the trail of a more sure way to bring down the Dollhouse.
I'm glad Mellie didn't get killed, but I'm a little disappointed that she's an Active. It's kind of like a plot card they can play over and over again, you know? Victor's an Active! Mellie's an Active!
I am also glad that it wasn't Kellerman...Dominic who was abusing Sierra. That was my fear.
Anyway, it definitely felt like a different show. Hrm.
Yeah, no longer pings with a burning hate. But no real love either. I think I'm going end up as an occasional watcher, with no concern for catching up on missed episodes.
I actually thought this one was over about halfway through -- how'd they DO that?
I know! I remember being totally surprised to discover that I was only twenty minutes in.
This episode really did feel more like what the show should be like, and I loved that the Men on the Street gave such varied opinions. It showed that Joss and Co. really have thought about all the skeeviness. But they also made cases for why the Dollhouse might be a good thing.
Loved all the plot twists. TWENTY Dollhouses! Someone on the inside! Mellie's a Sleeper Active! While I agree that "X is an Active" is going to get old, I...think I heart sleeper agents? As for the person on the inside, I also think Lab Tech Yuki is a good bet.
I'm much more intrigued by the show now. I hope they continue in this direction.
my question was...what about the voicemail? Mellie didn't erase it. won't Paul think that's weird? or am i supposed to handwave?
Maybe they REMOTE WIPED it. Hee.
So angry about Sierra's child abuse, btw. Not letting that slide. Angry.
Glad to know you've made it all better for her. Except, oh yeah, you haven't.