River: I didn't think you'd come for me. Simon: Well, you're a dummy.


Coffee On My Monitor Again

This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.

Frankenbuddha - Dec 20, 2012 6:43:17 am PST #919 of 1328
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

In Bitches, Scrappy with the setup, and billytea for the win

She just sent my Jewish husband and atheist self a Christmas card which wished us "more Jesus in your life." Really? REALLY?
Send her a reply saying that sending threatening letters through the mail is a federal offence.

Fred Pete - Dec 20, 2012 8:30:24 am PST #920 of 1328
Ann, that's a ferret.

Ginger also had a pretty good response to Scrappy:

Honey, you can keep the Jesus. You need it more.

Tom Scola - Dec 27, 2012 4:20:17 am PST #921 of 1328
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

In Boxed Set:

Dana: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, and Michael Gambon are combining to make one wizard-telepathic-mutant British starship captain.

Trudy Booth - Jan 04, 2013 9:00:23 pm PST #922 of 1328
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

Jesse - The "wrong" names make me irrationally angry. I'm going to go up to some Girl Scouts on the street and yell "Two Samoas and one Trefoil!!!"

...and then I'll go to Starbucks and order a medium coffee.

Toddson - Jan 18, 2013 4:32:47 am PST #923 of 1328
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

billytea, in Natter.

There are plenty of sites devoted to odd-looking animals (such as my sister's wedding photos on flickr).

billytea - Jan 27, 2013 4:47:54 pm PST #924 of 1328
You were a wrong baby who grew up wrong. The wrong kind of wrong. It's better you hear it from a friend.

In Natter, ita ! has opinions on Judge Dredd's sexuality:

Someone on IO9 is excoriating me for being a perv who wants Judge Dredd gay because I have established a long history of forcing sexual attraction readings and fanfic onto canon. The conversation? "Judge Dredd is too fascist to not be asexual." "Why would fascism make you asexual? Here is a book with famous fascist sexual perverts" "Oh, so now you're saying all fascists are gay? Are all environmentalists furries?" "No, I said they can have erections." "FANFIC PERVErT" "Hitler and Lenin had sex drives" "STOP SHUTTING DOWN DISCOURSE WITH FAKE GAY" "I think I need to go now."

Typo Boy - Feb 01, 2013 10:04:55 pm PST #925 of 1328
Calli: My people have a saying. A man who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.Avon: Life expectancy among your people must be extremely short.

In Natter:

Cashmere sets it up: "And tomorrow, I get to jump in a frozen lake!..."

And Le Nubian hits it out of the park: "OMG that is super cool."

Trudy Booth - Feb 19, 2013 11:13:28 am PST #926 of 1328
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

erikaj: And I should either be at a doctor's appointment or sitting around going "Nope. Not walking today, either." But still manage to have the kind of attitude that lights up a room, like crips on TV have.

Theodosia - Mar 04, 2013 2:27:18 am PST #927 of 1328
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

Windsparrow in Buffista Fic:

Good gravy, do people actually lave things in fic? I'd sooner resort to making manhoods throb.

Zenkitty - Mar 16, 2013 5:57:48 pm PDT #928 of 1328
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

In Natter:

Matt the Bruins fan: Kind of hard for me to forget my first - I got hit in the jaw with a piece of rebar in prekindergarten and swallowed the tooth that it knocked out.

Polgara What was your prekindergarten called, Thunderdome Preschool?