Tell me more good stuff about me.

Kaylee ,'The Message'

Coffee On My Monitor Again

This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.

Jesse - Jun 16, 2012 10:48:59 am PDT #850 of 1328
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

In Natter:

Vortex: I didn't realize that James Brown was Tibetan.

scrappy: Yes, he's the Dalai Papa and he's got a brand new bag of nonviolence.

Burrell - Jun 16, 2012 7:12:58 pm PDT #851 of 1328
Why did Darth Vader cross the road? To get to the Dark Side!

Ginger in Natter: A day without carbs is like a day without sunshine. Actually, worse. I'm not all that into sunshine.

DCJensen - Jun 21, 2012 7:26:34 pm PDT #852 of 1328
All is well that ends in pizza.

Tommyrot in tech:

Cats seem to know all sorts of keyboard shortcuts that do weird things....

Cass - Jun 23, 2012 12:26:40 am PDT #853 of 1328
Bob's learned to live with tragedy, but he knows that this tragedy is one that won't ever leave him or get better.


bon bon - Saw our patron saint Minear tonight at a short film screening. He killed.

Kristen - How many?

Kate P. - Jun 23, 2012 4:05:57 am PDT #854 of 1328
That's the pain / That cuts a straight line down through the heart / We call it love

In Movies:

ita ! So far I've seen that Brave is Highlander, How To Train Your Dragon, and Mulan.

With a girl, a girl and a bear, and white people, respectively.

People are really sure about this.

Tom Scola I’be heard that it’s Koyaanisqatsi with a plot. Or that it's My Dinner With Andre in the woods.

Aims - Jun 26, 2012 2:09:21 pm PDT #855 of 1328
Shit's all sorts of different now.

In Natter:

msbelle: I know I wrote a school paper in elementary school about how John Denver and Olivia Newton-John would be my preferred parents. billytea: Listening, especially easy listening, is such an important part of being a parent.

flea - Jun 28, 2012 6:45:10 am PDT #856 of 1328
information libertarian

In Natter:

Consuela: Roberts is the Severus Snape of the Supreme Court.

Jessica: He voted for healthcare because he's always been secretly in love with Obama's mom?


Steph L. - Jun 28, 2012 12:00:34 pm PDT #857 of 1328
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

In Bitches (I'm only here for the setup):

Steph L.: Aims, what's Greek quinoa? What do you put in it?

billytea: Crippling public debt!

flea - Jul 01, 2012 9:17:14 am PDT #858 of 1328
information libertarian

In Natter:

Jessica: I can't believe I'm actually having an argument right now over whether the storm troopers on Hoth are called storm troopers or snow troopers. I should let the five-year old win this one, shouldn't I?

Burrell: Jessica, according to my 7 year old they are snow troopers.

signed, Had that Discussion Already

Signed, hasn't had that exact discussion, but many, many like it.

-t - Jul 02, 2012 9:12:43 am PDT #859 of 1328
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

In Premium, self-explanatory:

Jessica: At this rate, his next project will be called Aaron which will be a workplace dramedy about Aaron Sorkin writing a TV series called The Sorkin Show. In the second episode, the second episode of the show-within-a-show is reviewed badly, and then everyone watches Synecdoche, NY.